in case anyone was wondering: i don't hate you (well, probably), i just don't have time for internet-y things that can't be read in under two minutes while at work. (which means livejournal is out, because i am kind of paranoid, and also because i know it will end up taking up a huge chunk of my day, which is just not possible at this point.) i
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I find out whether or not I get my promotion on Monday, I think... ::crosses fingers for both of us::
::crosses fingers for youuuuuuuuu:: at this point, i don't even WANT the promotion. my brain cannot function for that many hours in a row!! so clearly mindless mailing-things-out is not such a bad job for me, haha.
also, k. was like "what are you gonna do when you move there?" i...don't know. "well, i hear there's a big theme park down there." really? "yeah. i'll look into it when i'm down there next week." awesome, you're the best.
oh oh oh, can i plis take my work!boys down with me? they make me laugh so so much.
haha, well, *I* want the promotion, so yes, fingers crossed for meeee!
ahahaha, YOU CAN WORK AT DISNEY! I don't know why, but for some reason that would amuse me SO badly it's not even funny. XD
and, sure! Just find them a different place to live. :P
i've actually been looking into jobs at disney...because they publish a lot of magazines. heh. my cousin wants to know if i can hook her up with a job as snow white hahaha
but they are cute and they each make more money in a year than the two of us combined could make in probably three years! ... maybe they'll buy us a CASTLE.
aha. Disney's not a HORRIBLE place to work or anything... better than being a Wal*Martian, anyway. :P
and, ooh. I approve of this castle business!!
i have been reading books about castles at work in preparation for someday living in one! this causes the boys to mock me. :(
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