Another city goes by in the night....

Jul 06, 2008 22:41

In a rare post I thought I would fill you all in about Iron Maiden at twickenham

Lauren Harris was first up and included a cover of Gun's Steal Your Fire in her set, but was a bit average.

Within Temptatation got a great reception from the crowd, played a decent set but maybe slightly too heavy on the recent album.

Avenged Sevenfold can actually play songs and the harmony guitars were very good, but maybe I would have switched them with Within Temptation.

They were the starters, the main course was as follows:

I think it was Transylvania over the video screens showing a video sequence of the band on tour. This faded out into the churchill speech, which obviously led into Aces High. Two Minutes to Midnight was followed up by Revelations and the Trooper (cue Bruce in red army jacket and lots of flag waving). A reappearance of Wasted Years, the standard Number of the Beast (with a horned goat/devil puppet), Run to The Hills, and then two of my personal highlights; The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Powerslave (Bruce in Egyptian Mask). Both of those are epics (dry ice aplenty to represnt fog in the former) and to up nearly 20 minutes between them. Heaven Can Wait and Can I play with Madness gave the crowd more singoing practice, Fear of the Dark and then the first appearance of Eddie during Iron Maiden. That was it for the first part of the set.

Encores of a rare appearance of Moonchild and the second appearance of Eddie as a 15ft high cyborg from the Somewhere in Time album cover. The clairvoyant followed this and the set ended with Hallowed Be Thy Name.

So a great set, great atmosphere, great lighting and production, Bruce and the boys were on top form, Adrian's backing vocals adds suprisingly alot, whilst Steve should perhaps stick to bass playing only....

I think this was probably better than the first download they played and that was amazing.

Points of note:

I am glad Adrian is using Jacksons again rather than towing the Iron Maiden "fender" line (although I believe Fender own Jackson now anyway so that's probably why he gets away with it). Still not a patch on the Gold top les paul or the Lado Earths of Live After Death.

The crowd were in great voice, and despite the echoey sound rose the rafters.
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