A list of movies I really really really really want to see.. PART ELEVEN!

Dec 29, 2011 23:36

It's been a while and I'm on my winter break so here's another list of movies I'm looking forward to! On saturday I'm off to Paris to celebrate New Years Eve with most of my classmates. It's going to be awesome!

But list ahoy!

(also on http://blindekillen.wordpress.com/)


Let's start of with the single most anticipated movie ever. Well to me anyway. Ridley "Alien & Blade Runner" Scott returns to sci-fi, and the Alien universe with this futuristic space movie about humanity's search for our origins. I'm not much for the whole ancient astronaut theories about aliens visiting us in the past and genetically modifying us. But by god I need some more grown up serious space movies. Let's hope this isn't as stupid as Avatar. It looks gah-gorgeeouuss! I love how they've been so hesitant connecting this to the Alien franchise and then just, bam! They release a trailer that is pretty much built exactly like the original trailer for Alien.


Alois Nebel
With Prometheus out of the way let's move on to more obscure movies. This Czech animated movie uses the same technique as A Scanner Darkly or Waltz With Bashir. I don't now the details but I'm guessing it's some kind of technique to animate over real filmed footage. Some might think it's a bit off but I really like it. I have no idea what this movie is about but I'm getting kafka-vibes.


I'm pretty sure this movie won't be that great. But it's hopefully charming and entertaining enough. I just really like the concept. A young Kazak nomad dreams of becoming a Cosmonaut and spends his time collecting falling scrap from the nearby russian space launches at Baikonur. One day a beautiful french female space tourist falls down with amnesia and he convinces her she's his wife. This could turn real creepy real fast but they'll probably keep it pretty harmless.


The Ghastly Love of Johnny X
And here's a movie which is pretty much guaranteed cult fame. It's got it all. Black and white visuals, retro settings, aliens, cool clothes and haircuts, music, dancing and general geeky madness. I love stuff like this. It's hopefully up there with Six String Samurai and American Astronaut in quality.


The Warped Forest
This japanese movie defies explanatation. It's by a japanese advertisment director that decided to make a really strange effects filled fairytale on his spare time. I really have no idea what it's about. But just the initial clip of the trailer put this movie on my must watch list. I won't say more. Just watch the trailer.


And here's something you don't see every day. A german post-apocalyptic movie. And it looks pretty great. The filmmakers has used a pretty simple grading and over exposure effect to give the feel of the end of the world, and it works. It's simple but it looks really good. Apparantly it's produced by Roland Emmerich which makes sense I guess. There seems to be surfacing quite a lot of genre movies from Germany now. I like it.


The Woman In Black
I like ghost movies. I used to like those ghost investigation shows but the more I watched those the more sceptical I got. Now they just look ridiculous (and made me seriously hate mediums). But ghost movies are cool. Especially gothic victorian ghost stories. And this movie is all that while looking real moody and gorgeous. Throw in a grown-up Harry Potter actor with ambitions for serious stuff makes this movie look real interesting.


MS ONE Security Maximum
This movie used to be called Lock Out. And when I say "used to" I mean for a couple of days after they released the first trailer but then all of a sudden decided to rename it to the muddled title above. I prefer Lock Out. But I digress. This is the latest sci-fi movie by french filmmaker Luc Besson and ever since the Fifth Element I've been waiting and wishing for another sci-fi movie by him. Sadly this is only written by him but I feel there's a clear Besson-feel over it. I'm hoping for quirky violent action awesomness. In space.


Doppelgänger Paul (or a film about how much I hate myself)
And here's a surreal quirky toned down drama about a man being followed by another man claiming they look exactly the same. Which they don't. But they're both real lonely and some sort of bizarre relationship unfolds. I love small surreal low-budget movies like these and this seems hilarious.


Mars et Avril
Just like Lock Ou.. I mean.. *big breath* MS ONE Security Maximum.. *sigh* This non-american space sci-fi just popped up out of nowhere. It's a Québécoise french language film about an old musician falling in love with a young woman and deciding to follow her to Mars. It's nowhere near the budget of american movies but they've managed to create a pretty great setting using cgi and greenscreen. This looks quirky as hell and hopefully the story is as interesting as the visuals.


This is the latest movie by spanish filmmaker Nacho Vigalondo. Before this he made the amazing time travel movie Los Cronocrimenes (or TimeCrimes in english). It's one of few time travel movies that makes sense in a time travel logic way. And it's riveting as hell. Luckily the success of that movie didn't drag him over to Hollywood and instead he's doing another sci-fi movie in his native Spain. From the trailer Extraterrestrial looks like it will be some sort of romantic drama set during Earths first visit by aliens. But I considering the director I wouldn't be surprised if this turns way weirder than that.


Chicken With Plums
And now lastly the latest movie adaptation of one of Marjane Satrapis graphic novels. The previous movie Persepolis was pretty much perfect with gorgeous hand drawn animation. This latest movie is live action but there seems to be a lot of surreal handcrafted effects. It's about a musician that cares more for his musical instrument than his wife and after said wife destroys his violin he decides to kill himself. This looks like one of those beautiful hilarious surreal comedy dramas only the french can do.



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