Obviously, I have been ignoring LJ for a while. This is sad-making. The main reason is Dayjob, as it so often is. Pretty much I get home and the last thing I want to do is be on the internet. My writing computer is not hooked up to the net (yes, everything gets backed up by hand
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If their sales increased each year, they would get moved up the list, gaining additional promotion, fancier packaging, advertising and such. If they were doing well, once they had a bit of backlist, that would get promoted along with the new book. Sometimes the package design would be changed, trying to bring in a new audience, and so the backlist would also be repackaged to go with the new book.
I suspect nowadays it has a lot to do with whether the author is being put out in paperback originals / mass-market sales planning, or if they debut in hardcover and get more of a broad audience. I will note that GRRM, Rothfuss, and Lynch were all hardcover debuts of their bestselling series.
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