In which useless things continue to taunt me

Dec 17, 2009 11:43

Dear Adobe,

Why is there a touchup text tool in Acrobat Pro?

Once upon a time, this tool actually did something. I could go into a file and fiddle with some text and make minor corrections.

Now, however, all I ever get is the "the fonts are not supported" message. That is THE ONLY MESSAGE I have gotten from this tool for FIVE FUCKING YEARS.

I have worked on files from many different sources, on many different computers, in many different locations, and this is the universal answer. I'm pretty sure that the tool doesn't actually do anything other than kick up that message. Your programmers decided they didn't want to continue that function beyond version 5, but it was too difficult to remove it from the coding, so they just short-cut the code and have it default to that message any time anyone does anything with the touchup text tool.

Why do you taunt me? Why do you make it look as if it might be easy for me to delete that last paragraph on the page, causing no reflow, replacing nothing, simply deleting text, and then kick me in the teeth with a big DENIED right when I am thinking at least one goddamn thing will be quick and easy for me to do today?

Get rid of the stupid tool, or make it actually useful. The current situation does nothing but make me hate you and wish that someone else would come along and develop a product that is as good as yours used to be.

No love,



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