They're here!

Nov 16, 2009 16:20

The cast rings are here! They don't look anything like their metal right now. The silver looks totally white, like brushed aluminum. The gold looks dull and brassy.

Also, the sprues are giant. Geez, way to ding me for a couple more bucks! Still, I was impressed that they simply weren't that expensive. I mean, sure, gold is $1100 an ounce, but the ring was lighter than I feared it would be. It came in under my budget.

Will take pics tonight, and post contrasting pics of the unpolished, polished, and stone-set rings in a couple of days.

The worst is that I'll have my sis's ring done in time for Thanksgiving, but I can't give it to her for another month. Argh!

I don't know if she reads my blog. C, if you do, don't read for a couple of weeks, okay?


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