Sep 30, 2009 11:56
Rather than a display of vituperation, I'm going to blaspheme in the simplest way possible.
All religions, from ancient animism and polytheistic sects, through the JudeoChristianIslam tradition, to modern new-age pan-universal-life-force woo, are a crock.
There isn't a deity, or combination of deities, or mystical universal force beyond the ken of humans. [1] I sometimes dearly wish there was, but there ain't.
This is the world we get. We can screw it up, or we can make it better.
Humans are animals, just like all the other species on the planet. We have some interesting and possibly unique skills, particularly in the "thinking" portion of our anatomy, but that's a two-edged sword. Imagination allows humans to contemplate the future and make plans and projections, to put together diverse information in new ways and come up with new ideas, and to investigate the world around them and change it to suit themselves, individually or as a species.
Imagination also is a shadow in our minds that creates phantoms. We can be shanghaied by our systems and imagine things that aren't present, yet seem real. Optical illusions are a fun demonstration of this: the brain gets information, but interprets it as something other than what it really is.
Sometimes this happens on a large scale, with even less input. People left in a dark room will almost invariably hear and see things. Some people interpret these random neural firings as ghosts. But I assure you, if you just sit quietly, they will be nothing more than noise and flickers. It's your own brain, making sure it's still working.
That's what religion is. It's random firings of the brain in spaces of figurative darkness. A person who doesn't have or doesn't understand the physics behind and event may interpret it as magic and ascribe it to a supernatural entity. If they ignore this false explanation, absolutely nothing will happen to them. [2] They will be just as capable of going on with their life as they were ten minutes earlier.
All gods are false.
[1] There may be some sort of universal forces, but they ain't mystical. Gravity doesn't hold you to Earth by magic. Just because we don't know what dark matter is yet, or how exactly gravity works, doesn't mean we won't know what it is in a couple of years. The universe is big and wonderful and surprising and amazing, but it ain't magic. It only looks like magic sometimes because our technology isn't sufficiently advanced enough yet.
[2] Except possibly people might try to burn them or torture them or force them to say that they do believe in magic, but those are humans. The harm comes from human agency, not a deity.