And the winner...

Aug 04, 2009 10:45

...of the 2009 "I need a kick in the head" Award is:
Trina Thompson!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the dumbest college graduate on Earth. (Perhaps I can be charitable and say she's only the most deluded, and if her meds were properly adjusted, she might rejoin the reality-based community of humans and realize why the words coming out of her mouth are ridiculous.)

Wow, she searched for a job for a whole three months, and still hasn't landed one! She's sent out a bunch of resumes (I wish they said how many) and only gotten two responses. Let's list some possible reasons why she hasn't gotten more job leads:

1. A 2.7 GPA.
2. Her degree is in a field currently overrun with people who've been let go from Wall Street.
3. Her sense of entitlement is evident in her cover letters, and repels potential employers.

The essence of her complaint seems to be that her alma mater is showing preferential treatment to the students with higher grades, and giving them more assistance in landing a job. It is possible that is so. However, she is a college graduate. Presumably her education included development of some, I dunno, research skills? It's called the internet, honey. Check it out.

You can do at least as well on your own as a college jobs office can do for you. (My recollection is that they are largely useless. If they were good at finding good jobs, they wouldn't be working in a college career assistance office.)

The worst thing is that she's 27 years old. How does one live to the age of 27 and not figure out that you have to do things for yourself?

people are aliens, it's the economy stupid, in the news

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