
Apr 28, 2009 16:01

Arlen Specter has switched parties. Yes, he has become a Democrat.

I love this quote from the article:
the party's leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell, said the switch posed a "threat to the country." The issue, he said, "really relates to ... whether or not in the United States of America our people want the majority party to have whatever it wants, without restraint, without a check or balance."

Hmm. Dear Sen. McConnell: Considering what happened during the Shrub years, your point is spot on. However, to have you say it is hilarious. My eyeballs hurt from all the rolling.

I swear, these guys have not the slightest sense of irony nor shame. They wouldn't know hypocrisy if it crawled into bed with them and planted its cold feet in the small of their backs.


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