According to
this article, the Catholic church--or one 95-year-old priest, at least--has concluded that men and women tend to commit different deadly sins (of the famous seven). Men mostly sin in lust and gluttony, and women mostly sin in...pride (followed by envy, anger, lust, and sloth).
Let's think about that for a moment.
The conclusion was drawn from the contents of individual confessions. Do the individuals come in and say, "Father, I have committed the sin of pride"? Or do they come in and talk about wanting something, and the priest interprets this as pride?
Statistical error #1: the data are not gathered in blind fashion. They are slotted into categories before they are evaluated as data.
My second question is this: Do women come in feeling guilty about prideful things more often than men because men are simply less likely to feel guilty about them? I'm gonna have to go with a "Yes" on that one. Women in general, Catholic women in specific, and possibly Italian women in more specific, are told they're not allowed to be proud of themselves. Men do not get this message to the same degree.
Statistical error #2: non-uniform definitions of the data from different data sources.
I hate popular articles such as this that draw idiot conclusions on specious evidence (and I hate it double when it's purporting to say something gender-defining).
An entirely different (and, in my opinion, probably more accurate) interpretation exists: Women feel more guilty about pride, envy, anger, lust, and sloth because those are exactly the sins they're told are unacceptable for women, whereas men who behave in the same way are told they're not doing anything wrong.
A woman who wants accolades for presenting a delicious meal is prideful, but a man who wants to hear "good job" at his place of employ is only asking for what he is due.
A woman who wants to have pretty clothes like the lady next door is envious, but a man who wants a nice car like the man next door is trying to improve his social standing.
A woman who gets angry when people don't treat her respectfully is overreacting, but a man doing the same is only demanding his rightful due.
(I'll skip lust, since it's #1 on the men's list. The Catholics don't want anyone to enjoy sex.)
A woman who lets dishes sit in her sink for a couple of days is slothful, whereas a man who does that is just being normal, and gee, doesn't he need a good woman to help him?