Oct 06, 2012 12:08
So. It's the weekend. *STRESS*
Last night was somewhat unfun--Mom was tired coming home from setting up for her garden group's stuff sale and I couldn't get a word in edgewise to announce my usual "mind the bun"...I don't know if I was struck with politeness or at this point I assume everyone else assumes there's a out bunny in the evenings (which they generally do.) Anyway, she caught Fi with her foot. Fi seems fine, a little sore today maybe...but I don't think I need to take her to the vet. She's running around and jumping on the chair and she only seemed a bit uncomfortable when I picked her up this morning. So maybe I'll not bring her downstairs for a while.
It never bothered Rocky when he got sent sliding. :-/
Reason number 553 why I want a BIG DOG. Yes, you can trip over them, too, but it's easier to see them...and train them to stay out of your way.
I've trained Joey not to walk in front of me--one time during a walk he went to pass in front of me to get at a tree and I actually saw him check himself, stop, and then go around behind me. Good boy. Not that he should be switching sides, but if he's gonna...
(If only I could train Belle not to step on the back of my sandal when my heel is up.)
So that: NOT FUN. Everyone was very sorry (it really was all our faults, in order: I should have said something, Mom should have looked, and Dad shouldn't have interrupted me when I was about to mention the bunny.)
This morning, Mom beating herself up because the shower drain won't drain. *sigh* It just is, woman. Deal with it and move on. It's not something actually that bad. But she's like hating on herself 'cause she doesn't clean as much anymore in general.
My walk with Joey this morning was...well, it's the weekend, everyone is out and about. I did have a nice chat (before I got Joey out) across the street with Linda about Trudy, who she was walking. Trudy is "better...but I always say that and then she tries to attack someone else." That dog is VERY protective. I'd really love to explain to Linda how her walking her on the DAMN FLEXI LEAD is bad. But I think in general that dog is out of her league and mine. But I do want to find a way to get to meet her without being barked at or jumped on. Have to be at my best for that.
And then with Joey I talked to this woman...I can't remember her name, but she's been really friendly ever since Dad jumped her car and she knows my name and we say hi a lot. She walks a yappy little white mix (flexi lead here as well), thanks to whom I know where she lives, too. (I recognized the dog when walking Joey by. Good thing to know if I ever end up walking Little Miss Yappy.) She doesn't get why her dog is bad, either. *le sigh*
But more importantly, she wanted to know if Holly was out of town (no, just working on Saturday as usual) and then if I had her number, because a neighbor guy (who I've also said hi to a lot--apparently his name is Charles) saw some guys in a white van taking furniture off Holly's back porch and called the cops 'cause he didn't like the look of them. I said I'd ask Holly about it. But somehow I doubt it's anything bad: she would have called me if someone had stolen from her...and she trades off the furniture she gets from the antique stores a lot. I don't think she even keeps anything on her back porch besides a couple plants. Still, I'll ask her. At the very least maybe she can tell Charles when she's having people pick stuff up so he doesn't worry.
So the plan now is for me to eat some lunch, take Belle out real quick and then take Joey to the Dog Fest thingy. At some point the drain needs to be dealt with and the gutters, if it isn't raining. We'll see what gets done.