Catchin’ up with LJ Friends

Jul 19, 2013 08:24

Yesterday Duke mentioned that of all his LJ friends only three had posted anything and none of them had any comments. Is LJ on its way out, he wondered.

I have to say that I’m less bloggy on LJ in the past. It seems that is so much to do, that I have less time to read. And not just LJ, less readin’ of the newspaper, less reading of cheap trashy paperbacks, just less readin’ in general.

My many health issues, while none seem very serious, have subtly altered things. I have to say the medical marijuana has helped tremendously.

The current house project is replacing rotted siding. A section here, a section there … If I had known in the beginning that it was going to mushroom into such a large project, I would have just replaced all the siding. More cost on materials, but less cost on labor. It would have cost us just a little more, but we’d have all new siding and not this crappy T111 junk.

I did a large garden renovation this winter/spring and plan to so some more this fall. I’ve been bloggin’ a bit about that over here

I’m also working more this year, although it all seems to go right back out again. And I’m havin’ trouble getting traction on ebay & craig’s list sales. I did well over Christmas last year. I thought it would be a short break in the spring to get it together to regularly do sales, but such has not been the case.

Well hope springs eternal, as they say. So the siding project will be done, to be replace by fence replacement projects, and this winter should give me the space to get the internet sales together.

So thar ya go.

camellia, health

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