And I think of you there-sitting like a princess, perched in your electric chair.

Jan 17, 2005 13:26

Since LiveJournal was being stupid last time I tried to sign on, here's Friday's post and then, todats post follows.

Wellp...I'm leaving for Pennsylvania tomorrow.  I really can't wait to get back on the slopes.  I miss it so much!  Maaaaan!  Anyway...Gabbie came over after school today.  It was...Entertaining.  I guess that's a way to put it. 
  Nothing special has really been happening this week...This month, even.  I'm just hoping I don't screw this year up.  In a way...I guess I already am.  I failed a quiz today 'cause I didn't read a book, my mom and I haven't been getting along very well lately, and...I don't know.  I feel like everything's starting to finally fall apart.
     Because I wasn't able to post on Wednsday night, I've got about twenty-or-so pictures to post.  For all of you whos computer suck, all I have to say is...Tee-hee-hee, sucks for you!  The pictures are all from this past week, by the way.
     I'm leaving tomorrow at like...6:00AM or something.  Dad, his friend Bill, Bill's wife Kathy, their son George, and I are going skiing/boarding at Shawnee!  I'm so excited! 
  I'm really looking forward to the President's Day Weekend ski trip with Hannah, Hannah, Jesse, Jessica, Emily, Tess, Julia, and Dan, though.  THAT is going to be fun!
     Alrighty...Here are the pictures!  The first few are notes and comics that Hannah, Jessica, and I drew...The rest are just random. 

Front: I don't know if you can see it that well, but it says melon sperm and some other stuff.

Back: Melon fetus and fat melon baby and other stuff.

Bob loves melons (in Italian)!

My mother is a toaster (in Italian)!  Jessica drew the weird toaster on the top and Hannah drew the one on the bottom. 

I drew this toaster and Hannah wrote on the bottom, "Io sono una psycho tostapane e con burn tu tosta!"  She was trying to say, "I am a psycho toaster and I will burn your toast!" but I know for sure that she used wrong words.  XD

FRUIT AND OTHER THINGS HEADS!  I wrote in the black and Hannah wrote in the blue.

Comic Hannah drew of me and my mom.  First caption: "Grrr.  I'm Linda and I'm mad!"  Second caption: "I need to kill everyone!"  Third caption: "Toaster time!"  [TOASTER POWER!!!]  Fourth caption: "Now I will kill everyone."  Fifth caption: "HA HA HA HA!"  Sixth caption: "Oh no. my mom is killing everyone!  I must save them!"  Seventh caption: "BANANA POWER!"  "AAAAHHHH(toaster)!"  Eighth caption: "HA HA HA!  She's dead!"

Another comic that Hanah drew to follow the previous one.  I drew the last caption, though.  First caption: Although Linda the Toaster had died...  Second caption: Her lover, Richard the Blender, lived on!  "You killed my Linda!  I will get you!"  Third caption: He decided to mix a secret formula to sell to Natalie the Banana.  "HA HA HA!"  Fourth caption: He then gave the soda to Natalie.  "Thank you."  Fifth caption: But when Natalie drank it...  Sixth caption: She started to spaz out (not that this was new)!!!  Seventh caption: But suddenyl, a melon appears and eats Richard the Blender!

I then realized Hannah never said anything about what happened to me in the end, so I asked, "But what happens to le Banana?"  Jessica's response: "She spazed to death, but then, her spirit was reincarnated into a pear!"  XXXDDD

Now for the random pictures!  BABY!


Gabbie noticed the sky was pretty when she was over, so we took pictures.

Alrighty.  Sorry there are so many.  I just heart them all so much!  I think that's about it...Soooo...Yeah.  Oh wait...My grandpa Dan died yesterday.  I don't really care that mich, though 'cause I didn't realy know him.  Meh.  It's my mom's fault.  Ummmmmmmmmmmm...Yeah.  THE AY-END!
Emo Boyfriend Name  DOB  Favourite Color  His Name  Angel His Looks/Style  Curly-ish brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, labret pierced, tight tshirts, tight pants, skate shoes How you met  At a Taking Back Sunday show How he tells you he loves you  Gives you flowers every day What he calls you  Baby How far you've gone  just kissing and holding hands *blush* This QuickKwiz by _shelovedaboy - Taken 71735 Times.

Life is just a dream.

I'M BAAAACK!  And I miss Pennsylvania. 
  We only got two days of skiing in.  I mean...We could have got today, but my dad was all like, "Noooooo."  So now, we're just home...Doing nothing.  I wanna see if he can take me to Coconuts or something later 'cause I'm got some gift cards for there...But anyway!
     I did a lot better than I thought I would!  I mean...Since I just learned how to carve last year, I didn't think I'd be going as fast as I was or with as much control as I had.  I'm so proud of myself! 
  I even brought myself to go over some bumps so I could get like...Three or four inches off the ground. 
  I'm SO cool and you know it!  Here are some of the pictures my dad took...
Day one: After a long day of skiing, we all crashed in my friend George's room and watched Napoleon Dynamite.

Day two: First, dad was like, "Stand in front of the bush and I'll take a picture."  Being that I was kinda tiered, all expression was wiped off my face.

But then I stole his camrea and took a picture of my boad 'cause I'm really cool like that.

Later that day, while we were on the mountain, my dad found us (me and this girl Gracie) and took a picture.  I helped Grace with her snowboarding skills for the two days we were there.  I'm realy happy about it, though 'cause I know she's better on her board 'cause I helped her. 

And this is just a creepy picture of Grace while we were in the lodge.

This is a group photo of all the people my dad and I went skiing with.  There were like fifteen of us!

After dinner, we ordered dessert...I didn't think anything of it, but when the waitress came out with my cake, there was a candle in it and everyone sang Happy Birthday to me.  I was sitting there like, "Oh no you didn't."  Dad got my face...

And that sums up my weekend.  I'm going home tonight at 9:00PM and everything'll go back on schedule tomorrow.  As of now, I'm dreading mid-terms next week, my back hurts a little, and I am SO wasting this day away on nothing.  Until next time...Don't be silly-wrap your willy!
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