Let it rain, oh let it rain. Oh God. Please let it poor.

Nov 28, 2004 08:16


I'm so pissed off right now.  I'll edit later.

//bye bye beautiful\\


I'm sorry about yesterday's post.  My dad said something that kinda got me a bit wprked up and pissed off and in an overall bad mood.  Instead of bringing it up last night, he decided that it was a good idea to rant about how I'm dating a black guy.  Apparently, he doesn't apporve.  Honestly, if he wants to be a loser and act so...-thinks for proper word-  Maybe childish?  I don't know.  Then, he goes on telling me about how I only think about myself and that I've already got my life plans and goals planned out at the age of fourteen-which would be "lowering myself on the social ladder."  Jesus.  And then, he started talking about how Mike has girl hands and he doesn't like the idea that he wears nail polish and all that other good stuff.  I guess it's good Mike didn't wear his trench coat to the movies. 
  This is so messed up: my mom thinks his motive for dating me is to get higher on the social ladder and my dad just doesn't like black people.  Screw.  Them.  You know...You'd think they'd support me.  Instead of bitching about it, they should just pretend it's okay.  'Cause they can't do anything about it.  I mean--what can they do!?  They.  Can't.  Stop us.

Moving on...
I went to Hannah's house yesterday after that whole ordeal with my dad.  We had to work on our I.M.P. project.  Basically, we had to make a game that involved probability.  With that, we created IMP!, a game similar to Bingo!, except we don't call out letters and numbers.  Instead, we ask probability/chance questions and then, the students must figure them out and if they get the answer, they look for the number they came up with on their boards.  If the number is there, they put a marker on the little box, and once they have five in a row, they scream, "IMP!" and they win absolutly nothing.  ^_^

Here are the pictures from Hannah's house 'cause we kinda got a little distracted for a while...
We only made it a little messy...

Hannah was hiding with the exacto knife infront of her to protect herself...

Jessica was jacking off...

Josh was being doopit...

And I was online talking to Mike/attempting to type up our questions on Hannah's sexy laptop...

That's it!

-sigh-  I was supposed to go to my cousin's house later, but I don't think I will.  1.) It's pooring outside.  2.) We didn't finish our project 'cause we're losers. 

RAWR! I'm going home tonight...>.<

A'ight.  I'm out.

//bye bye beautiful\\
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