It's Wednesday, and I have actually READ BOOKS THIS WEEK (!). So I should do that Wednesday reading meme thing. Unfortunately I'm exhausted and have lost coherence, AND still have another 2 hours before I can go to bed. Gods damnit.
So have some links that have been sitting in my browser for weeks:
people say I'm gonna regret this, I say fuck you. A Reddit thread in which a user boasts about his tattoo of an illegal drug... which turns out to be so not the molecule he thought it was that it would make anyone with A-level chemistry laugh their arses off. Mmm. Yeah. Benzene rings are tricky little buggers, aren't they?
On similar lines (perhaps),
A Simple and Convenient Synthesis of Pseudoephedrine From N-Methylamphetamine. "In recent years it has become increasingly difficult to obtain psuedoephedrine in many states because of its use as a precursor for the illegal drug N-methylamphetamine (also known under various names including crystal meth, meth, ice, etc.)" "A quick search of several neighborhoods of the United States revealed that while pseudoephedrine is difficult to obtain, N-methylamphetamine can be procured at almost any time on short notice and in quantities sufficient for synthesis of useful amounts of the desired material." Given that it's published in the Journal of Apocryphal Chemistry, somehow I doubt this is real... But any organic synthesis route can be reversed, so... I dunno. I laughed anyway.
Groovy glasses. "Ok let's see if that thing with glasses chicks suddenly becoming super weird feminine when they whip off their glasses works". You kinda have to go all the way to the end to find the really funny pictures.
Introducing 'SheZow,' The 'Transgender' Superhero Cartoon That Will Destroy America And/Or Entertain Some Children. I liked this review. Haven't bothered watching any of the cartoon clips though.
How I Lost Faith in the “Pro-Life” Movement. I have a vague feeling I may have linked to this before, but it's worth reading if you have enough spare time to read the whole, very long, article, and are not already in a stabby mood.