People who live in or know Boston well - is there a good app for figuring out public transport routes for Android? I can't get the official website
route-o-matic to work on my phone. There doesn't seem to be a mobile version of the website like there is for Transport for London, and the Apps page quite honestly lists about 20 apps for various phone OSes, none of them officially endorsed by MBTA!
I need something that will work on the move since no amount of prior planning helps if something totally unexpected happens. It must also recognise and use the "accessible" flag, ideally on the front page like the official website's journey planner. (TfL's mobile edition hides this on a second page under "Advanced options" AND never remembers that I need it set. I get really sick of looking up routes and realising they won't work due to stairs, and having to go back and change the options).
I've booked my flights to arrive at lunchtime on Thursday 26th and fly out mid-afternoon on Sunday 29th - this is so I get home in time to sleep for a few hours, then get to College. I *may* be being wildly optimistic here, but less so than if I assumed I'd be able to sleep on the plane, since that rarely happens.
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