Jan 04, 2012 00:51
Seasonal Affective Disorder is really biting me on the arse. Today, I got out of bed, put clothes on, renewed my library books only 5 days late (though I'm not sure if they count days when the library isn't open towards fines), and paid my credit card bill 6 days early. I feel like I should be awarded a medal.
College is starting again soon and I have stuff I need to be getting on with for that (work, and filling in forms), but I also need a trip to the Equator or Australia or something. The various friends who are off to the south of Spain and the Canary Islands and places like that over the next couple of weeks have the right idea.
Radical thought: Next year, let's go *somewhere sunny* over Christmas. (*Tells Richard to get in now with the leave calendar*)
seasonal affective disorder