So why wasn't this all over my friends list:
Pope condones condom use in exceptional cases? His actual comments are given
here. The Vatican is trying to
play down his remarks, but they are, quite frankly, amazing. Especially when viewed in light of some of the misinformation that has been believed? - well, certainly spread - by other Catholic
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Infact on a purely theological basis it is interesting to ponder weather on that basis it is not sinful for a woman to use a condom if she is at the infertile stage of her monthly cycle. now there is a thought to keep the pontif busy.
Note to readers who don't know me: I'm not a catholic and do not share the views of the catholic church on homosexuality or contraception. I'm just talking in an theological sense.
Or is infertile due to age? There's an awful lot of 60-somethings who are divorced or widowed and in new relationships. Being post-menopausal they have no need for contraception, but they are at risk of sexually-transmitted diseases. Indeed, there is a health campaign running in the UK at the moment with a 1960s theme. "If you remember wearing this" (insert horrible flower power clothing) "then you need to wear this" (picture of a condom).
I'm sure the Catholic Church wouldn't mind a widow and a widower getting married to keep each other company after death parted them from their original spouses...
It's definitely interesting, that's for sure.
So the situations you describe sound ok.... :-)
I should of course add the normal disclaimer that the catholic church belive sex it's self is sinful if it is not for procreation but a condom will not be a sin ontop of a sin in such situations and nstead a good thing. infact one might even say that in such situations as infertility not to wear a condom would be to compound a sin in catholic terms.
I have noticed that our current pope is very big on accedemic thought. To be a truely great accedemic thinker one must be prepeared to think things that one is uncomfortable with. Prehaps then such rumors are more true than people realised.
The male prostitute bit is the weirdest bit of all, really.
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