Dec 30, 2007 18:06
I am sick yet-a-bloody-gain. I have some sort of lurgy. Not sure if it's a cold or flu or just Epstein-Barr reactivating for fun. The latter seems a possibility as my glands are up and I have a sore throat from hell.
My work has been sucking my life lately, taking up every single spoon that I possess and leaving me with none at all for myself. This time of year is always crazy, as there's a set of public exams in January which are far too early in the school year considering how important they are. But lately I've been working 6, 7, 8 or even 9 hours a day - 6 days a week. This is... crazy. It can't go on. I work part-time because I need to for my health, yet I'm struggling with more than full-time hours.
I haven't been around online because I'm coming home every day and collapsing, almost literally. I've been getting in and lying on the bed, too tired & brain-fried to do anything except play with the Wii in a prone position. I've been going to sleep at the sort of hours when most people in my timezone go to bed, and staggering out of bed anything from 10-15 hours later. I need to figure out how to divest myself of the job that's killing me before it actually does.
Need More Spoons Plz.
spoon management