Mmkay. New LJ homepage layout?
What. The. Fuck?
Seriously? If I don't update in a week? It's not because I have "Writer's Block," it's because I don't have anything important to say. What Grade A jackass thought up the brilliant idea to put some bullshit "prompts" on the main page, like "What's your favorite word?" Yes, that's just what LJ needs--a bunch of vapid, poorly written posts by braindead teenyboppers based on useless, equally vapid "writing prompts." We get it now, LJ. We understand you don't want smart people here anymore. But you know what? Fuck you. Most of us were here before 6A took over, and I, for one, will be damned before I let you chase me away from the communities and friends that I have made over the past four years. Bite my ass, and change the main page to something decidedly less fucking stupid.
Oh, yeah, great move on not making
news part of the front page anymore. Real great. Jerks.
news is on the front page. I probably overlooked it, but that wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for all the God damned clutter.