I present you...
My Room
The Cloth-Thingy
This was a Christmas present. As you might know, I kinda dig Indian... things. Mostly movies, architecture, music and clothing - a sari is just so beautiful, in my opinion.
Anyways, this ginormous piece of cloth is directly above my bed. It's so... tacky! I love it!
Other points of interest: Notice that piece of wood above the wardrobe? It came off another piece of furniture once, and I've kept it for... some purpose I forgot.
There are also two 3D... jigsawesque... puzzles. One's the head of a pharaoh, the other's the world.
On the right side of my bed, the yellow/blue/red plastic thingy is a Halloween toy I got out of a Überraschungsei once.
The Naughty Place
My bed. So simply, and yet with a tad of kitsch. Of course purchased at IKEA. If I'll ever get someone who's into bondage, the railings at the top and bottom of the bed are ideal for that.
Other points of interest: The big purple ball is Christmas decoration I forgot to put away. It's been there ever since. As it fits into the simplistic tackiness of the rest, I like it the way it is.
It hangs from my rice paper lamp.
The Last Supper
The image is a classic, now, isn't it?
And I like jigsaw puzzles. I really do. For the past five years, each Christmas, I got one. This was the one to start the tradition.
And as an avowed equal opportunity offender, I have no problems hanging it onto my wall.
The Garden of Earthly Delights
The famous Bosch tryptichon as another jigsaw. Unfortunately, the glass covering it (we got it framed) isn't anti-flash.
Same Place, Different Angle
More of Bosch's kitschalicious glory. Notice the pseudo-baroque golden frame.
The Drawers of Miscellany
A commode where I keep miscellaneous stuff, from my sheets to water colors to various assorted shit to my vibrator.
Other points of interest: The stuffed animals are onle a fraction of my averall amount of stuffed animals I keep. However, most have been banished to a suitcase on top of my mother's wardrobe. Here we see Alf, my first stuffed animal ever which I've had since I was a little baby.
The others are various goodies we got from collecting coupons.
In the lower right corner of the pic, you can see my CD case. Most CDs are not in there, though, but lying around at many fun locations in my room where I can search for a particular album for hours.
On top of that, you see a pseudo-Indian statue - a mock Christmas gift. The long grey thing in front of it is a place where I can put joss sticks sometimes. It cannot be seen, but it has a big fat Buddha on one end, making the sticks almost look like an enlightened hard-on.
The TV Corner
Best view is had from my bed. DVDs, books and tchotchkes are assembled around it.
Other points of interest: The blue thingy is a wardrobe of mystery. The Box of Mystery is located right underneath the lowest shelf. You can see it if you look hard enough.
The Computer Corner
My sanctuary. The most holy and lived-in place in my room.
Other points of interest: The picture in the upper left corner is of me and my best friend. My hair cut's a bit better now.
Also note the cigarettes, dictionnairies (yellow books), cat statues, the Diet Coke, my crochet stuff (on top of the printer), the sweets, the books, the varied shit and of course the lone salt shaker in front of my printer.