wyndie dug it up:
I escaped from Moon Colony Barankhy!
I killed Devilindupriest the nutrivend drinks machine, Manuanya the space pirate, Lokowolfpunk the medibot, Oviaukko the space pirate and Beartech420 the cargobot.
I salvaged a Teh-Kimeye screwdriver, a Roto13ian raygun, Agent Squeaks's commbadge, a Books model hazmat suit, a JAYWAL-2500 supercomputer, Toxictattoo's commbadge, the Log of the USS Profundis, a Human-Rights screwdriver, a BIRENE forcefield generator, an WEREWOLF-LIB-80 phaser, the Log of the USS Alya1989262, Wyndie's commbadge, an Arshermetica model hazmat suit and 152 galacticredits.
Score: 437
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