Ответ: 165 фунтов. Подробности
здесь Court staff:
Average time to deal with a debtor’s petition - 75.45 minutes. Average time to make the bankruptcy order - 43.41 minutes. Court staff time is billed at £2.42 per minute, which includes overheads such as salaries, costs, IT and accommodation.
Therefore, the total cost of court staff time in dealing with the issue of the debtor petition and making bankruptcy order - £2.42 x 118.86 mins = £287.64
District Judge’s average time to make bankruptcy order - 10 minutes. Judicial time is billed at £2.78 per minute.
Therefore, the total cost for judicial time in dealing with the debtor bankruptcy is £2.78 x 10 mins = £27.80
The total average cost per case to HMCS in dealing with a debtor petition and the making of the bankruptcy order is therefore £287.64 + £27.80 = £315.44
Debtors are required to make a contribution to this cost, currently via payment of the court fee of £150. Based on the estimated cost to HMCS in dealing with each case being £315.44, there is a shortfall of £165.44, which HMCS makes provision for in its annual budget and which therefore is subsidised by the taxpayer in order to allow the courts to fulfil their current roles in the debtor petition process.