echoes of Rand

Apr 17, 2010 11:13

I have had the wonder of finding a piece of mail addressed to the late great Rand E Alansky and it was addressed to the house he never lived in.  I just spoke with the woman who manages the store and after her telling me that I was a bit crazy, I finally got the point across.  It wasn't so bad that the mail was addressed to him as it was that he never lived at that address.  That is the right phrase.  Lived.  He was dead for 3 years before I moved there.

She wanted to correct the problem by merely eliminating his name and substituting mine, but that aggravated me because it would not eliminate the problem.  I want the source of it.  Who gave them his name?

Just because it is commonplace does not mean that it is right.  Let it stop here and now.  Let me shout it to the heavens that it has to stop with me and that not another widow has to go through this kind of injustice and aggravation.

death and rememberance

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