Feb 18, 2006 10:28
So enlight of very little going on except the things that occured in the past week, its been rather placid. I will not go through and dictate any of the recent events as they are not relivant to this post, or any post here on out for that matter. Don't you just love how formaal that was. It sounds like a stuffy old book in which the author has had a cucumber and brine in shoved up his ass in eager anticipation of the birth of a pickle. My condolences. On another note, i drink to much soda. It felt good to get that off my chest.
So, my sister comes in today, so I am hopeing that we can go pick up the bass drum head (I will not speak any further on what happened to my last one, use common sense). I need to finish the movie rendition of Doom, okay well "need" probably isn't the correct word, and honestly any word that i can think of to replace "need" doesn't fit either, okay I have it, I am going to finish Doom sometime in the near to late, perhaps mid future. I have always thought of the mid future(if such a thing exists) as being like 2 o'clock in the afternoon when its currently 11 in the morning. I was going to justify why, but then I stopped caring about mid future, fuck mid future. If it were important everyone would know about him, but few people care as they should since he sucks. And yes mid future is a guy, nuff said.
If you are reading this and think me to be bi-polar, a dotor never made mention of such disease, so i am not medicated for. In all seriousness though, I am not even though that might clarify a few things, my moods are generally pretty consistent, I wont tell you I love and then a few hours later tell you, you should die and be serious about both. Not to say i wont do that to fuck with you, i just wont be seious. I hope that clarified things a bit(even if its only a tid).
I love how this post has absolutly no reason to exist. If you have gotten this far, man i am fucking sorry for wasteing your time. Well I don't mean that I am literally sorry, it's just something you say because it sounds like something that should be said, however if we are being honest, I couldn't give less of a fuck. Now in that last sentence the swearing might not have been necessary, but it was very necessary. Okay I have just gotten tired of this post.