Jun 04, 2005 04:43
Hi guys, well my last post was pretty down. I would like you to all know that her and i are still friends. Its, i dunno its strange, i still care about her and there is something there(i hope). At any rate that is not why i come to you today. I am going to let you guys in on some of my plans. Firstly I have started a production company(its more for having a logo to put at the end of my content). I am planning on starting and ip tv show. For those of you that are new to Ip tv, its and internet based tv, and you just download the episodes you want to see, its free and i personally believe that this is going to blow up in the next 5 years. My plan for the show is that i want it to be an in depth tech related show. I will be doing hack demos, and just demos in general as well as having interviews with people in tech fields, i would like to make it Texas based and not just San Antonio. If any of you guys have any ideas or want to get in on this you know how to reach me. I am planning on getting at least 1 out a month, at first, if i can get more out in a month than i will. Also I want to do a podcast. A podcast is an internet radioshow in which you download the mp3, it will be a pannel discussion and we will be talking about current events and the like. This is extremly ambitious, and hopefully it will come to fuition. When i get the site up and have the intro filmed and what not i will post more info here. I also have a name for my label and i came up with logo. The label at the moment is so that i can copyright my material, in the future i will probably branch out and sign other bands, but for the moment it will just be self released stuff and the like.
Also i am currently looking for employment, i have customer service experience. I would like to do something tech related, so if you hear anything let me know. Only time will tell guys, post if you have any questions of suggestions.