You can register for BiCon 2004 in a number of ways:
BiCon can be paid for and registered via PayPal.
PayPal Payment Page. The PayPal payment service may be unavailable after 23:59 on 30th April for up to 24 hours as the updated pricing scheme is implemented.
By Post
BiCon Booking forms are downloadable from the
BiCon2004 website.
Print and send the registration form with your payment cheque or postal order (Payable to "BiCon") to:
BiCon 2004
BM BiCon
United Kingdom
If you are unable to pay for BiCon all in one go we will accept installments paid by doing the following:
1) Write a covering letter stating that you are paying by installments - don't just send us a potentially confusing bunch of cheques.
2) Give us at least one cheque for at least 10 UK pounds cashable immediately.
3) Write post-dated cheques for the remaining installments, ensuring that we have the total cashable by 7th August 2004 (No more than one cheque per month please).
4) Write "Do NOT cash till XXX" on the back of each cheque to avoid confusion.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me by replying to this post or emailling me at