Oct 09, 2006 04:35
Monday, October 9, 2006 (Tomorrow)
A budding romance is ready to be taken to the next level. Get a commitment before you proceed further. Love can only grow incrementally, but by going over the past again, you are paving the way for permanence.
Allllrighty then. I'm not one to follow horoscopes step by step..but this is just creepy. I'm currently having problems with Aaron. He seems to be having trouble committing. And I'm actually, about to just break it all of. Seems like he's two-facing me and I dont want to deal with him treating me badly (ok not too bad but still I dislike being made fun of) when we're around our friends outside of school...and then hugging me n shit when we're at school. No, that does not work for me. I can understand his personality. Seems like he doesnt want to show emotions when he's around our friends outside of school, but inside...where theres a hellova lot more people..he...like hugs me n stuff like that..-=Le sigh=- Ugh! guys are so frustrateing! I'm all for what Demi's said..If we were rich I could dump the loser and buy myself a better boyfriend. XD Lol. jk. Still..it would solve problems....I also..think I'm developing a slight crush on another guy. ACK! >_< But..I wont act on it. Shit needs to get solved first...
I'll post more later maybe..