My First Raid

Mar 05, 2009 00:31

Tonight was my first current content raid in World of Warcraft.

Sure, some guilds I'd been in had done legacy content like Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair, long after they were actually a serious challenge. But tonight, was special. I got randomly invited to a Pick Up Group to hit Obsidian Sanctum (10-Man). I admitted to the raid leader i was just barely geared for the content, but he seemed confident. Turns out he organized these PUGs fairly regularly, and has it down to a fine science.

Sure enough, we went in with a minimum of fuss. Downed two drakes and accidentally got wiped by a patrol while getting briefed on the boss. The raid leader apologized, we rezzed and quickly waxed the last drake. Moving on to the Sartherion himself, we wiped again, this time due to several of us not getting the whole "avoid the waves" thing. Second attempt we faired a bit better, and I got the pattern to the dance so I could avoid them. Unfortunately the off tank was a bit less skilled and things got hairy at the end with one healer and the OT dead, and the second healer going Zero Mana with 5% left to go on the boss. Then the MT dropped, and it was down to just us DPS to kill the bastard as quickly as possible before we died.

I have never been so glad to be a hybrid class in my life. My unused bubble and Lay on Hands "oh shit!" button kept me up long enough to help drop that bastard dragon with those of us left nearing the end. We cleared, the raid, I got the achievement. And with a bit of personal gloating, the Tier 7 glove token dropped for my class, and I won the roll with a 100, getting me my first Tier 7 drop without any competition. Given how hard its been for me to get groups and gear with my current work schedule, this was a bloody miracle and I all but squeeed aloud.

The group starting expanding for a whack at the Heroic (25-man) version of the instance, but i knew with my borderline 10-man gear, I'd be a hindrance so I bowed out. All in all it was a night of exciting (well to those who like this sort of thing at any rate) firsts for me. It's been a good night.
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