
Jan 14, 2011 18:31

A few thoughts from my day:

1. I find that often times grossly overweight people like to discuss their illness(es) openly. Particularly in elevators, on street corners, and in generally inappropriate places. When I say "illness" I mean serious shit. They discuss their "treatment" and what all they are doing to get well as if it is their way of stating out loud that their weight is not to blame for their illness and that they have an "actual" problem, not at all related to their weight. It must be a genetic condition...unfortunate heredity, etc. Of course....sounds believable right? Wrong. Moments later I hear their labored breathing after walking up 6 steps and see them waddling uncomfortably while their over sized thighs and bellies work against their forward motion. I, being a moderately overweight American am aghast at the lackadaisical attitude that enables these people to believe that their sickness has nothing to do with their weight. When I asked myself why this was even a subject of notice, it was because I realized that skinny people never talk about being sick....and by sick I mean something more than a sore throat and cough. They don't need to prove things like fat people do. Or at least they don't try as hard.

2. People love talking about pooh. From close friends to strangers on the street, it is a commonality that we all share and for whatever odd reason, brings people together. For future reference, I am perfectly content to never talk about pooh, ever again. Ever. Some things should be private and I feel strongly that pooh, pooh habits, pooh smells, pooh shapes/sizes, etc., all fall under the realm of "things we don't talk about."
***As I type this I am watching a toilet paper commercial that began with "it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom." Seriously people. This has got to stop.

3. Wine makes people happy. I feel my office environment has been out of balance lately. I've said some things recently that I wish I hadn't...feeling that perhaps I am continually laying judgment on people when it is not my place to do so. I have vowed to worry more about my own shit and try to worry about everyone else's a bit less. That being said, when someone cracked open a couple bottles of wine in the office this afternoon, the walls all came down. I started seeing my co-workers as real humans once more and not just people that make me angry. I feel this was a good thing. Wine is always a good thing.

4. I decided it's time to get back in the dating game. I put myself on a new internet dating site and surprisingly am pleased so far with the response. I am trying very hard to be positive and not allow my stomach to start knotting up when it's time to nut up and meet someone face to face. With great risk comes great reward. I may have to put it out there another 100 times.....shit, another 1000 times before I find my match but I will find him. I am ready to find him.

That's it. A pretty productive day I think. Time will tell.
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