Merry Christmas, Baby [1/3]

Dec 19, 2010 22:54

Title: Merry Christmas, Baby
Rating: nc-17
Pairing: Jalex, durrrrr
POV: First - Jack
Summary: It's Jack and Alex's first Christmas as a married couple.
2 Part Dedication: Part 1: This is a Christmas present to socornball (Anna) - I'm sorry it's not porn. Just fluff. ~ Part 2: Dedicated to my friend ohyeahmary (Mary) :]
Disclaimer: This never happened. It is a lie. ~ I guess title credit can go to "Merry Christmas, Baby" by Brighten [ft. The Maine], but I wrote this before I ever heard that song so... Yea, whatever. Let's give it to 'em anyway.
A/N: This is my first standalone and it's longer than most of my chapters. Damn my attention to detail. xD Kay, I'm really sorry, but I have the worst fucking writer's block for "Welcome Home" right now so I don't know when the next update will be. I try to do some oneshots or twoshots or standalones or whatever to hold you over, but still. Enjoy. <3

"Jack! Jack!" A delighted voice filled my ears as I was shaken lightly from the world of dreams. I opened one eye lazily and chanced a peek at the alarm clock. 7:16 am. You have got to be kidding me. I groaned and rolled over, burying my head in my pillow. "Baby!" The voice whined, drawing out the sound of the 'a' for emphasis. "Wake up!"

"It's too early." My voice was muffled by the pillow beneath my head. I needed that pillow. It was my final connection to the deep sleep I was begging to return to, and that connection was tearing with every shake of my shoulder.

"But it's Christmas!" The voice called again, nudging my body again in hopes of waking me.

"Alex..." I started. He sighed in exasperation. The bed vibrated softly as he fell back onto the bed next to me, breath leaving his lungs in a huff. The pouting had begun. I didn't dare look at him now or I'd risk losing completely. No doubt. He has too much of an advantage, what with that 'Puppy Dog Pout' of his. The bed shook again as he rolled onto his side, scooting towards me.

"Jacky..." He whispered, warm breath fanning over my ear and making me shutter. I won't let him win, I thought to myself. Not today. His fingertips lightly traced the line of my spine, the warmth of his touch making my bare skin tingle. No, dammit. He won't break me. His lips brushed against my shoulder blades and goosebumps broke out across my skin. The contact was light, barely noticeable -- or it would have been if my senses weren't going a million miles per second. One pass of the lips over my flesh felt like the fluttering wings of a thousand butterflies.

Lips became teeth as he nipped and nibbled softly at my neck. The butterflies turned to electricity, sending countless sparks through my body, spreading like a wildfire and leaving a burning sensation were they ignited my nerves. I bit my lip hard, trying --and failing -- to block him out.

"Jacky..." He breathed into my ear. His voice was soft, seductive, and ...fuck it. I lost it. I released my death grip on the pillow and rolled to face him. A small smile fell on his lips as he nuzzled our noses together. "I win." He cooed happily. I grumbled in annoyance and shoved him playfully. "Merry Christmas, baby." He beamed.

"Merry Christmas." I sighed, finally admitting defeat, my white flag waved in the form of the small kiss he pressed to my forehead. I chuckled lightly, deciding that being teased by Alex was a torture far greater than the "Puppy Dog Pout".

"Now get up! Get up!" He urged cheerily. I rolled my eyes at him and he crossed his arms across his bare chest. In order to avoid another tease-session, I pushed myself up on my elbows and yawned lazily to show Alex that I was actually awake. Apparently pleased by level of awakeness, he jumped out of bed, tripping over his own feet and narrowly missing splitting his skull wide open on the dresser as he went crashing to the floor. I scrambled to the edge of the bed in panic, only to find him lying on his back, biting his lip to stifle his own laughter.

"Clumsy fuck." I snorted, and that breaks him. He erupted into a fit of giggles as tears welled up in his caramel-coloured eyes. "You alright there?" I chuckled, poking at his knee before offering my hand to pull him up.

"M'fine." He replied, taking in big gulps of air to calm himself. When his breathing had returned to its normal rate, he grabbed my hand and I assisted him upright. Once he was stable on his feet again, he nodded before turning on the spot and padding over to the closet. I watched him intently as he pulled open the accordion-style doors and riffled through a pile of clean clothes in the laundry basket. He pulled out two pairs of sweatpants, tossing me my usual pair of blue-and-white plaid and tugging on a pair of solid red ones himself. I stood up slowly and dressed myself in the pants, not even bothering with a shirt because, lets be honest. It was 7:30 am on Christmas morning. Who the hell was going to see me?

"Kay. Dressed." I mumbled, glancing up at Alex. As he turned around, a smile tugged at my lips. I had been mistaken. His sweatpants weren't solid red. There was a bright white logo emblazoned on the right leg in stark contrast to the red. JAGK. He was wearing my clothing line. I didn't even know he had those. He noticed my reaction and laughed lightly.

"You like?" He giggled, spinning in a circle like a model on a catwalk. His chocolate eyes sparkled as he beamed at me.

"Fucking gorgeous." I wrapped my arms around his slim waist and rested my forehead against his. He reached up, lifting his hands to rest on my shoulders and biting his lip softly. I closed the distance between our bodies, pressing my lips to his lazily. When I pulled back, he grinned brightly. "I love you." I whispered.

"Mmm..." Alex hummed, dropping his hands to my chest. "Not yet, you don't." His sweet smile shifted to something a little more mischievous. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Come on." He wriggled out of my grip and took my hand, dragging me towards the door and down the stairs.

As soon as my feet left the last step, my nostrils were filled with a myriad of smells. Confusion painted my features as Alex led me into the kitchen, walking backwards as he did so. My mouth fell open as I looked around the kitchen. Sitting on the table were two big mugs of steaming coffee and various plates piled high with a plethora of pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, and a myriad of other breakfast treats.

"Holy..." I stared in awe, mouth gaping. I turned back to a delighted Alex, "Baby! How long have you been awake?"

"Uhm..." He chewed his bottom lip in consideration before glancing at the clock above the microwave. "About an hour and a half, maybe?" He smiled nervously and twisted the straw string of my pajama pants in his fingers.

"No wonder you got lonely." I scoffed, sticking my tongue out at him and tapping his nose with my finger. He squeaked and blushed, his cheeks flooding bright crimson.

"Shuddap." He grumbled. "Just come on." He whined, tugging me forward by the waistband of my pants. "Let's eat before it gets cold." I followed him to the tabled and nodded a thank you as he pulled out my chair. I sunk down into it, ready to devour the morning feast Alex prepared. I picked up a fork and a knife and surveyed the scene in front of me. I decided to start with the chocolate chip pancakes with powdered sugar sprinkled on top.

"I'm sorry, stomach." I apologized before scooping up a piece and stuffing my face with the fluffy slice of heaven.

A/N2: Part 2 will be up tomorrow. [If all goes as planned...]

pairing: jalex, rating: nc-17

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