Nov 22, 2008 13:51
yes, i did see twilight. no, i did not read it. i've read a few pages here and there. i didn't read the book because i think it's poorly written. i also think that a vampire love story is absolutely unoriginal. that being said, i tried to watch the movie with an open mind. i thought the camera work was absolutely phenomenal. i thought the relationship between bella and charlie was awesome. i'm pretty sure i'm really going to end up liking jacob. i think edward was very poorly cast. sure, robert pattinson looks all gloomy and sad anyway, but i didn't feel there was any chemistry between edward and bella. everything they did together looked awkward and wrong. i also thought his hair looked pretty fucking stupid. and whoever did the make up should be shot. peter fancinelli looked like someone threw flour on his face. ashley greene is fucking hot. i didn't think there was enough depth or character development in the movie. i'm sure there was in the book, but i don't think that book translates well to film. again, i haven't read the book, but it seems to me that that book is 80% dialogue, be it inner-dialogue or actual conversation. it's hard to translate that into a movie. i wish a little more time was spent with james and the other "bad" vampires. they came out of fucking nowhere. they're just completely random characters, two of which happen to be the antagonists. think of it this way...take terminator 2, and remove any conversation about the t-1000 that explains what he is and where he came from, and then watch the movie. it simply doesn't make sense. you'd think it's just some weird guy that can morph his body and can't really die. sure, there's a little explanation about james. he has "lethal" senses (which is funny, i didn't know the ability to smell could fucking KILL someone), and he loves "the hunt." cool. sounds like any normal vampire. but where did he come from? where's he going? how was he turned? all those things are imperative to understanding this character. none of that was done. i also thought the script was miserable. and the special effects were disgusting. completely disgusting. it looked like the first couple seasons of smallville, when they had a super low budget. and the whole vampires-look-like-diamonds-in-the-sun thing was fucking retarded. it looked so fucking stupid, i honestly thought i was going to vomit. i also thought that the entire story is pretty off the wall. first of all, would would vampires go to high school? is it really necessary? i mean...they don't really live conventional lives anyway, so why the fuck would they bother going to high school? also, how could someone 107 fucking years old, regardless of how old he appears, fall in love with a 17 year old girl? i just...don't get it. and it seems kinda creepy to me. maybe you have to be 12-30 years old and have a uterus to "get" the story. it just seems completely ridiculous to me.
again, this is all simply based on the movie. i didn't read the book. please bear that in mind when you disagree with me, as i'm sure you all will.