Songs For Daddy- Chapter 20: Can't Repeat

Jun 01, 2009 12:56

Author: bar_ohki

Title: Songs for Daddy

Rating: This chapter is rated T.

Summary: After receiving a phone call, Hiruma abandons his job, his football team, and his friends, disappearing into nothing. After several years pass, Mamori finds a strange girl in her Kindergarten class, a girl strange enough to have the only remaining connection to the missing quarterback….

Notes: Holy crap 20 chapters! Can’t Repeat is by The Offspring, I don’t own it. And my school term is about to end, so I’ll be able to update a little more frequently after then, but until then, please wish me luck.

Links: To song on youtube:

To lyrics of song:

To a list of chapter links:

To chapter 19:

Songs for Daddy

Chapter 20: Can’t Repeat

Maruko Reiji was a lawyer, but not an ordinary one. Instead of specializing, he got licenses to practice almost all the forms of law. This made him extremely appealing because he handled everything his clients needed. But there was something else even more extraordinary about this man, something that only one other person knew.

Maruko Reiji had, all these years, always known where Hiruma Youichi had been hiding. Unlike any of Hiruma’s close friends, Maruko had actually met Saburo Chizue and seen her pregnant and seen her child in its father’s arms. In fact, Maruko had even processed the marriage contract.

It was a promise and a vow of silence to Hiruma that kept Maruko from revealing this information to anyone. He wasn’t ever really asked any questions about Hiruma’s disappearance, so he really didn’t care that he was withholding information from others.

What Maruko did care about was the custody case he had just lost. The more he reviewed it, the sicker he felt about it. Maruko had met Saburo Haruka a few times, none of the encounters were pleasant to say the least. She was an opinionated, crazy old woman who had too much money and time at her disposal. Hiruma, despite his past and mysterious ways, was actually a good guy at heart and worked hard to raise his daughter properly. Having known Emiko personally, Maruko knew that her behaviors, despite all their oddness, could not be completely explained by Hiruma’s so called inability to raise a child.

Shaking his head Maruko took a look around his office. It was an inoffensive cream color with a few nice, but not special, looking paintings of bridges on the walls. Behind his large oak desk were all of his degrees and licenses up in nice, clean frames. On the desk itself was a computer, some papers, a telephone, and a few picture frames that faced Maruko. One was a picture of his recent wedding and another was a picture of his high school football team. With a small smile, Maruko gazed at both pictures, happy to be living the life he was living.

That’s about the time his office door was broken down and a very, very angry looking man stomped into the room. He was fairly tall with a good tan, short brown hair, and wrap-around sunglasses. He was currently wearing a rather nice, sharp looking business suit.

“Agon-sama, why don’t you sit down?” Maruko calmly invited the obliviously irritated man to sit down in the leather chair across from his desk. With a theatrical huff, Kongo Agon flung himself into the chair.

“Okay you shit trash, where’s Enri?” Kongo demanded, glaring through the sunglasses. Maruko wasn’t perturbed at all by this behavior, Kongo had been his client for many years. Maruko simply adjusted his nice tie and looked Kongo in the eye with his blue, blue eyes.

“I don’t know where your subordinates are.” Maruko reminded Kongo. “And Enri hasn’t been by here so I can’t tell you where he’s been.”

“That fucking trash!” Kongo growled and stood up.

“I’m sending the repair bill to you.” Maruko remarked as Kongo stormed out the doorway. Maruko sighed and wiped his hands on his nice pinstripe suit. Dealing with Kongo and his yakuza family was more than a little bit of a handful at times. His wife, Maruko Maruko, stuck her head into the doorway. Her black hair had gotten a bit longer since high school, now at her shoulders. She simply nodded, knowing that her husband was okay and went back to her desk as the secretary. Now that the door was on the floor, Maruko could hear his wife call the door repairman and joke about rowdy clients with him.

To give himself something to do, Maruko began to go over Hiruma’s file. As it turned out, Hiruma rarely needed a lawyer for anything and when he did it was usually for small, simple things. The first thing at the top of any of Maruko’s files was the person’s will. Hiruma had a remarkably complicated will, mainly because he had inherited the rights to the Saburo family’s fortune and his own family’s fortune. Anything that was associated with the Saburo family was of course to be given to Emiko. If something were to happen to her before Hiruma’s demise, everything would be given to charity, or in the case of the company, the employees. Most of the things from the Hiruma family were to be given to Emiko, or to friends, like Kurita and Takekura. There were several clauses concerning how Hiruma died and how that would affect where things went. Notably, his notebooks where to be burned by whoever carried out the will, something Maruko thought was definitely for the better.

The papers that immediately followed the will where Saburo Chizue’s old files, namely her will and their marriage certificate. Looking at the files reminded him of the first time he had met Saburo.

Maruko had gotten a call from Hiruma saying that he was bringing his wife in. The day before that he had gotten a call from Saburo’s old lawyers to arrange the transfer of her affairs and other legal documents. All of them were being delivered by her to him.

Maruko faintly wondered who this Saburo Chizue was, she did marry Hiruma Youichi after all. But Maruko hadn’t been invited to the wedding and he hadn’t heard any gossip from his girlfriend about Hiruma getting married (his girlfriend, Hirumo Maruko, was good friends with Anezaki Mamori who was an old friend of Hiruma’s). There was something strange about this mysterious Saburo Chizue.

Eventually the door into his office opened and Hiruma marched inside with an air as if he owned the place. To Maruko this was a good sign because it meant that Hiruma hadn’t changed his behavior. A woman came in behind him, carrying a small briefcase. The woman had a slouched posture that wasn’t because of laziness but rather because of wanting to make a small presence. She had long black hair, big brown eyes, and a heart-shaped face. Her overall posture and presence reminded Maruko of that shrimpy kid, Kobayakawa Sena, that used to play for Hiruma’s high school football team. But there was something… off about her as well.

“Hiruma-san,” Maruko stood and bowed slightly, acknowledging Hiruma, “ah and you must be Saburo-san.” Maruko then bowed to her, getting one in return. Saburo sat down in the extra chair Maruko had brought into his office while Hiruma simply stood behind her, as if he was there to keep her from running away. Saburo set her briefcase on her lap and opened it up. She began handing Hiruma files and once he had the rather sizeable stack he set them on Maruko’s desk.

“Aren’t you going to say something fucking wife?” Hiruma asked Saburo dryly as he returned to his spot behind her.

“H-hello.” Saburo muttered with a quiet, timid voice.

“Would you mind if I took a minute to look through your papers?” Maruko asked her kindly. She shook her head nervously. Maruko quickly speed-read through all the paper work, seeing that Saburo had had her heart replaced as a child and was of frail health because of the immune system suppressing medication she was on. Saburo had been the heir to her father’s corporation, but that changed when she married Hiruma and now he was the heir.

The most notable bit of paperwork was the marriage contract agreements. Both the Saburo and the Hiruma family had made promises and pledges if the marriage took place.

‘So it was an arranged marriage….’ Maruko observed. That explained just about everything he needed to know.

“Saburo-san, are you sure that these are all your legal affairs?” Maruko asked her.

“Y-yes….” Saburo answered quietly, not meeting Maruko’s eyes.

“I understand that you just recently married, is there anything you would like to change or have clarified?” Maruko asked her.

“No.” Saburo shook her head.

“Can I have permission to contact your previous lawyers and yourself if I have any questions about your affairs?” Maruko asked.


“Who should I contact first?” Maruko decided to add on a little more when Saburo gave him a confused look. “Yourself or your old lawyers.”

“…Myself.” Saburo managed to answer after a few moments.

“Thank you, is there anything else I can help you with?” Maruko answered.

“…No.” Saburo looked like she wanted to leave, desperately. Hiruma looked somewhat annoyed.

“Since you are also here Hiruma-san, is there anything you need done?” Maruko asked Hiruma.

“Just keep your fucking promise, fucking eyelashes.” Hiruma ordered Maruko.

“I have every intention of doing so,” Maruko assured him, “well since we are done here, thank you for coming and do I need to show you out?”

“Fuck no.” Hiruma answered, rolling his eyes at the question. He grabbed Saburo’s arm and pulled her up and out of the chair. They went about two steps when Hiruma stopped and put his forehead to hers, a frown growing larger across his features.

“…Tch.” Hiruma clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Let’s to the fucking hospital.”

“S-sorry.” Saburo muttered.

That’s when it dawned on Maruko, Saburo looked rather ill the entire time she had been in his office, in both body and mind.

Maruko shook his head, pulling himself out of his daydreaming. He turned on is computer and checked to see if there was anything he needed to have done. The answer was the same as it had been, there was nothing to do. Often Maruko would wish for a break in all the hustle and bustle he dealt with on a regular basis and when he got a slow day he would regret it because it was boring. He simply sighed and decided to amuse himself by turning on his internet radio.

Maruko’s choice of radio station was this American 90s rock station he had stumbled upon on accident one Sunday morning. Finally some music started to come out his speakers. To Maruko’s amusement it was a band he had become somewhat familiar with from all the hours he spent listening to the station, The Offspring. He hadn’t heard this particular song of theirs, but he liked it and how the words fit in with him.

“Memories are bittersweet, the good times we just can’t repeat.” The singer, Dexter Holland, had an almost melancholy tone to his voice, as if this song was a bit more personal than he wanted it to be.

The phone rang, making Maruko pause the song and answer it.

“Hello?” Maruko asked into the receiver. One of his clients was calling for a bit of legal advice. With efficient, well practiced ease, Maruko answered all the questions and gave his expert opinion on the matters. After he finished the call, he hung up and thought about the Hiruma-Saburo family issues a bit more.

After Hiruma had gotten medical advocacy and power of attorney for his in-laws as well as his wife, he had not needed any other assistance from Maruko on anything [1]. Saburo had her will altered to include her husband and needed nothing else. Several years passed and Saburo called on day wanting an appointment. Well, it hadn’t really been a phone call, according to his secretary, it had been more like a violent demand.

Which made Maruko faintly wonder if Hiruma had managed to rub off on his wife, and if he had, exactly how much?

Deciding to air on the side of cautious, Maruko dressed in his solid blue suit as opposed to his usual pinstripes so that he would be a little less intimidating. He put extra time before and after Saburo’s appointment incase things got messy.

When Saburo finally arrived in his office, Maruko gasped slightly, completely caught off guard. Saburo was extremely pregnant and also extremely ill-looking. All of the fat that had been on her body seemed to have disappeared, making her look almost anorexic and unpleasantly gaunt. The only thing that seemed to be healthy about her was that round, heavy-looking belly on her frail frame. Saburo waddled into the room and sat down with a small, relieved sigh.

“Hello Saburo-san,” Maruko greeted her with a nod, “congratulations.”

“…Write my baby into the will.” Saburo told him firmly, her eyes deadly serious.

“How?” Maruko turned to his computer, pulled up the will and was at the ready to make the altercations.

“Everything for it.” Saburo answered. With quick, nimble movements, Maruko deleted several clauses and re-wrote the main article.

“Who’d be the caretaker?” Maruko asked.

“Youichi.” Saburo answered. And with a little more typing Maruko was done.

“Is this to your liking?” Maruko asked, turning the monitor and showing her the new will. Saburo read it quickly and nodded.

“I’ll have it proceeded by the end of today.” Maruko told her as he righted his monitor.

“Don’t tell Youichi.” Saburo asked quickly, her meekness from before seeming to return. “Please don’t tell Youichi.”

“I won’t tell him.” Maruko assured her.

Saburo burst into tears. Maruko looked around awkwardly for a moment before he figured out what to do.

“Are you alright?” Maruko asked her.

“…I’m going to die.” Saburo sobbed. “You can’t tell him!” She looked up at Maruko with these haunted eyes.

“M-ma’am?” Maruko was a little startled by the outburst.

“J-just don’t tell him.” Saburo told Maruko again, wiped her face with a handkerchief, and managed to get herself up and out of the room. Maruko simply stared after her, not really sure if he had been dreaming.

“Basket case….” Maruko muttered, shaking his head. He then recalled the house visit he had with Hiruma a few months later.

It had been a rather desperate and cryptic-sounding phone call from Hiruma Youichi that took Maruko to the far side of town. This apartment was new, Hiruma had apparently just moved in a few days before and had his hands rather full with something, probably that baby Maruko had guessed.

When Hiruma opened the door with a pink bundle in his arms, Maruko realized he had guessed right. Hiruma looked like any new father did, lacking in the sleep, somewhat frantic, and really, really intent on keeping that gurgling bundle in his arms from screaming.

“A girl?” Maruko asked, hoping that was the reason Hiruma had a pink baby blanket.

“Just come in.” Hiruma ordered Maruko tiredly as he turned around and walked himself and his baby into the living room. Maruko simply followed and observed that Hiruma had only managed to get a couch and several boxes at this point in the move. There was also a playpen set up in one corner of the living room. It was already full of soft-looking plush toys and pillows.

“Do you have her birth certificate?” Maruko asked. Hiruma pointed to the neat-looking pile of paperwork that had been set on the floor where a side table would eventually go next to the couch. Maruko picked it up and looked through it. Saburo’s death certificate, little Hiruma Emiko’s birth certificate, and a few other random legal bits concerning the death and birth.

“…So you would like to see your wife’s will?” Maruko asked as he reached into his briefcase and pulled out the document. Hiruma looked a little torn over some sort of internal decision, then took the papers from Maruko and set them promptly on the couch.

“Hold her.” Hiruma ordered him with an expression that said ‘if my kid is hurt I’m going to murder you’. Maruko took the baby from her father then watched the man pick up the papers again and leave the living room quickly. Maruko simply blinked and looked down at the young, young baby. Her head was a bit large and her ears were these small, pointed things. She looked up at him with her big, brown eyes and made a distressed noise.

Knowing that if Emiko started screaming, Hiruma would murder him regardless of whether or not he actually did anything, Maruko decided to try making a funny face. Emiko sounded a bit more distressed by this. Since that plan had backfired, Maruko began to rock her, hoping that would calm her down. Emiko seemed to like the rocking well enough and stopped making distressed noises. Her eyes were wandering around, as if she was trying to take in everything she saw all at once. Eventually her eyes settled on Maruko’s shinny earrings. She made a happy noise and watched the earrings, completely content.

“So you are good with kids.” Hiruma commented from behind Maruko, making the latter turn his head to look at the former. Hiruma was standing in the doorway with the papers in one hand and two cups of coffee in the other. Emiko made another distressed sound and Maruko quickly turned his attention back to the baby. Emiko’s face was all scrunched up and she looked to be in pain. Maruko pulled her up and opened his mouth to say something when Emiko vomited. All over Maruko and his nice suit.

“…Yuck.” Maruko commented, thankful he had not gotten any vomit in his mouth. Hiruma set the cups and papers on the floor, then took Emiko from Maruko. She made another noise then vomited again, this time hitting Hiruma in the face. He only looked more tired. Emiko then started gurgling contently again.

“…Don’t move.” Hiruma told Maruko and disappeared with Emiko into the back rooms of the apartment. He returned momentarily with a towel on his head and three extra ones in his hand. They sat down and wiped off the vomit to the best of their abilities. Afterwards Hiruma offered Maruko use of the shower and a change of clothes. Maruko gladly accepted.

When Maruko was done cleaning himself they sat down, talked over Saburo’s will and talked about the needed altercations to Hiruma’s will. Then Maruko left and went to the nearest dry-cleaners.

Realizing that his music wasn’t playing anymore, Maruko turned the song back on.

“With all our joys and fears, wrapped in forgotten years. The past is laughing as today just slips away!” Holland sang, making Maruko nod in a grave agreement.

Again the phone rang and again Maruko paused the music and answered it.

“Fucking eyelashes,” Hiruma greeted Maruko in his usual manner when Emiko wasn’t underfoot, “I’ve got news.”

“Fire away.” Maruko took out a pen to take any notes that he needed to.

“Emiko was just diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome,” Hiruma explained, “and her case manager intends to re-open the custody case.”

“Asperger’s Syndrome?” Maruko didn’t recognize the term. “What’s that?”

“High-functioning autism.” Hiruma answered; that rang a bell in Maruko’s mind.

“…Seems about right.” Maruko nodded.

“I’ll fax you the fucking paperwork, get my fucking case ready.” Hiruma ordered simply.

“Sure thing, I’ll be right on it.” Maruko smiled. This was good news.

“Don’t force the fucking system,” Hiruma requested, “just make it move as fast as it can normally.”

“I didn’t intend to,” Maruko assured Hiruma, “there’s no reason to give Sabu-chan any extra ammunition.”

“Just call her fucking old hag.” Hiruma almost pleaded. Maruko knew his nickname for Saburo Haruka disturbed Hiruma a little.

“That’ll be an extra 500 yen.” Maruko joked. Hiruma growled and hung up. With a small shake of his head, Maruko turned the music back on.

“Life goes on, come of age, can’t hold on, turn the page.” Holland’s voice came over the speakers once more. “Time rolls on, wipe these eyes, yesterday laughs, tomorrow cries. Time rolls on.”

And Maruko couldn’t help but to feel like Holland was right, despite everything the world would continue to go forward, even if you get knocked around.

“Let’s make tomorrow cry some tears of joy, ne Hiruma?” Maruko muttered and began to get to work.


End of the first story arch! Whoo!

[1] - Medical Advocacy is the legal term for someone who can make medical decisions for you if you are incapacitated in such a way that you cannot make them yourself (like being in a coma). Power of Attorney is the legal term for someone who can sign your name on your behalf if you are incapacitated, so they can write checks for you, pay your bills, and take legal action on your behalf. These are both important things to have if you are old and sickly.

Please tell me what you think!

es 21, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori, eyeshield 21

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