Apr 12, 2009 18:58
Seriously, it was bad. It actually IS worse than the Street Fighter movie, in that I'm more familiar with the DB franchise than Street Fighter. The screenwriter was also responsible for Jet Li's The One, and Stephen Chow was only the Producer, so...
Yeah. There were some characters like Mai and Oozaru, I've never even heard before. They got everyone's origin, character, and death scenes wrong. Some people weren't even supposed to die, either yet or at all. If you're a fan, you would hate it. If you're a newbie or parent of said fan, you wouldn't get it, and be even more confused than before. If you're a critic, you wouldn't get it AND you hate it.
"Shadow Strike Kick and Kamehameha are Wind-Bending Techniques." Is this DBZ or Avatar?? GOD, now I'm dreading the release of the Avatar movie!