Title: Love Knows No Boundaries (27.2 and 27.3/36)
tikibuddy91Characters for 27.2: EXO (Yixing, Jongdae, Wufan, Minseok, Joonmyeon), INFINITE (Howon), former APINK (Yookyung), f(x) (Sunyoung), OC
Characters for 27.3: EXO, BAP, former APINK (Yookyung), JB, JR, OC
Word Count for 27.2: 2820
Word Count for 27.3: 5290
Genre: College, Drama, AU, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Rating: PG (angsty emotions)
Summary: College students: Blind, Deaf and Mute. Their lives deal with the ups and downs, like roller coasters. They find relationships and companionships. Life does not always have a happy ending, but they can try to get their own.
Author Note for Chapter 27.2: Yixing’s first visit to see his boyfriend after receiving the saddening news… Remember that the last time Yixing had seen Jongdae was the night before his dance audition… so, it’s a lot of emotions that Yixing is feeling when he sees him in the hospital room.
Author Note for Chapter 27.3: Jongdae’s family are in for a surprise. And a surprising revelation is made known for Minyoung, Jongdae’s mother.
Masterlist Chapter 27.2:
“…I’m s-so scared of losing you, Zhongda… You have no idea.”Chapter 27.3: