Jun 23, 2006 00:49
Hello Livejournal. It's been awhile.
Well since i swore that once i got my computer i would write more, i figured i'd start out here. If I make a lot of typos it's because I'm not used to the keyboard yet so you'll have to excuse me.
So yeah life.
PowerStrip finished the first album, PowerStrip and the Cavern of Delicious Muffins. That happened on June 10th. I'm kind of too lazy to link to it and i'm way too lazy to make any of you copies so you'll never hear it.
I think its bloody brilliant, although I'm biased a bit.
Let's see let's see.
After that I took my exams, which, I'm sorry to say, I don't care about. I don't like not caring about my grades but there was honestly nothing I oculd do about it.
Then I graduated, which was nice. There was an abundance of boring speeches but it ended quick enough. Some people are sad about it. I'm rather indifferent. Can't wait to go to college, really.
I guess the most exciting thing that's happened recently would be the purchase of my computer. It's pretty. It lets me type and surf the internet so it's dandy. All the extras are just to make it better than your computer...which it is...I promise.
But anyways I'm not wearing any pants and it's now exactly 1 in the AM so I'm going to find something more productive to do.
I should start a story.