I was there When the caveman died

Jan 08, 2006 16:11

so mike and i have been getting together more often than we used to (for music) and our project is coming along quite nicely
i m ust say i'm very pleased so far
and Justin has a really good movie concept coming along
hopefully that will get made because i'm very excited about it
not only because i am the main character but because it is amazing
and because i want to write something again really bad so the script will be fun to do
we will need as many peopole as possible though so tell me if you're interested and i'll talk to the man about it

in other news...
my WoW preview isn't realy working out for me yet
and noone is posting in their things
thats why im doing this pretty much because i'm sick of noone doing theirs
and i dont want to be a hypocrite
basically the cavern of delicious muffins is just beyond my reach
in any case we're now halfway through senior year
i cant wait to go to college
that way i can study what i want to study and learn what i want to learn
it will be fun

and finally,
justin and blinn and i need to finish firefly sooner or later so we can watch serenity and then i dont need to hang out with them anymore
so hurry it up

^anime me

Oh yeah i forgot to say that amanda is a meanie and im not laurens friend anymore
well... amanda isnt TOO mean

just kind of mean
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