You don't ask, you won't get.

Sep 13, 2005 12:39

You know, if I DO go out of the country to go to school for a year, I hope we don't get a lightning storm. Because neither one of my 'rents would know what to do get it rectified. And I am SO getting them wireless. For real.

Case in point: I told Moms two weeks ago that lightning had fried the internal modem and when the tech came, he was gonna have to replace. Fast forward to this morning. The tech I was in the bathroom, I don't know what (if anything) she told him about what I said. Guy leaves after five minutes. I come out and she says that he says it's working. I check it. Nada.

I asked her did she she see a work order and then she gets all huffy. "I didn't know what to ask him- that's why I woke you up," he snapped. And yes, she DID snap at me. I replied I was only asking because they usually had one.

"Well, *he* said that it (the connection) was supposed to be working and that we'd have to take it to Circuit City (electronics store). He connected to his computer and it worked for him." First part is total bullshit, as they have come out THREE times in the past and replaced the damn thing, FREE OF CHARGE. Second part- even if the line was working, if the internal modem is fried, there is fuck-all I can do. We *still* won't be able to connect.

So I spent the last two hours talking to and dealing a very friendly tech person (with a nice lil' ole Southern twang), who walked me through setting up a temp dial up line and getting me an appointment for tomorrow morning.

I ain't bitchin'....but if she can remember what a 4 year old said ONE time FIVE months ago....or what people ask her about something else less is it that she can't recall a convo we had two weeks (or less) about something less mundane? It just pisses me off.

That and she fucked up my sleep as well. Thanks, Ma.

sleep, technology, family

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