Oi... I am a mess.

Sep 10, 2005 23:18

I had the first business meeting of the year. Running on 2 hours sleep (by choice). The Author is still as flakey as ever. Now she wants to do some 'Chicken Soup for the African-American Woman's Soul' book.

Gageth me royally. Utter and complete bullshit is what it is, and I looked at some of those topics...man, NO one I know would write some sappy ass shit for this book. All perky and upbeat ending.....puh-leze, as if, people. So I am expecting to honestly get maybe 5 stories en masse for this thing. 10 would be pushing it greatly.

And if she calls me her fucking sweet little fucking angel one more damn time, I am gonna have to go serious Black on her ass. I am *34*, for fuck's sake. I am not some little kid. And do you know- after ALL this begging for my next payment installment, when she claimed she had to go through someone to get.... she just dashes off a check today like it was nothing.

So WTF couldn't you do that before? Goddess....I am too damn nice.

Hell- the rest of the meeting was mellow in comparison to what I was feeling then. Of course, a Saturday meeting wouldn't be complete without a butting heads with Mum- twice, actually. Not a record, but damn close.

Went for lunch, then came home to change for another project packing boxes for a school in Grenada, then headed off. Gone about three hours then, returning with a sore lower back and muscle aches. Took a nice warm bath soak with epsom salts and fell asleep for ten minutes. Did me good, too.

Now I am dressed for bed and craving Jello. So I must be all right after all.

EDIT: I am now eating my fave snack, and playing an oldie but goodie from my retail days, 'Latin Mix USA'-DLG w/Huey, Shakira pre-blonde days....good times, good times. :)

food, work, frustration

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