Still awake.

May 31, 2005 03:34

Just watched 'Soldier' with Kurt Russell, Jason Scott Lee, Gary Busey and Jason Isaacs. (Not to mention the yummerlicious Sean Pertwee- good looks ran in that family.) Now half watching 'Mothra' on HBO Family.

Don't know why I am not in bed. Maybe too wired. Maybe so sleepy I can't move.

But looking at pictures of a blue streaked haired & pierced Hayden is not exactly helping me fall asleep. More like keeping me wide ass awake. I can safely say that is one boy enhanced by makeup, dyed hair and piercings.

I am still looking for Hayden or Ewan/Hayden icons. Not finding any to move me, sad to say. But finding plenty of fic to keep my mind active. Sort of.

Eh never mind. my brain is dead. Ignore me. I am going to lie down now.

hayden christensen

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