My week

Nov 11, 2006 05:06

First off, this week, apart from the concert on Monday, was pretty much a blur. I still can't believe it's the end of the week. I lost days somewhere. I worked Sunday, and Wednesday thru Friday. I also worked the polls on Tuesday.

I will say this- Dems rule, OK! :) Sorry- apart from our state races, I was a happy camper overall. I think I might stay in the country for a while longer.

I was planning to see Duran tomorrow, but when I found out the ticket prices, I was NOT pleased. Sorry, boys, you'll have to catch me when I have a real job next time. (And I am not happy 'bout it, in case you ask me, really.) So I might work. We'll see. I need the hours like hell.

Now...for the concert. frackattack gave her review on her LJ, and now it's time for mine. I will admit it now- I wanted to see both Rock Kills Kid and 30 Seconds to Mars. I didn't know much about the other bands, so I wasn't too fussed.

Got there early as usual. Watched the scene kids arrive in their Bloody Masquerade attire. It was a pleasant night, by November standards. Breezy, not too shabby...till the rain came. But more on that later. Anyhoo, the line wasn't too bad to get inside and we stopped at the merch table- I bought a 30STM black wrist band and a Head Automatica totebag. I was gonna get a t-shirt, but couldn't decide on one to buy. Purchases in hand, we went and found spots to stand in for the concert.

In order:

Rock Kills Kid: I enjoyed them, and not just because I knew the whole cd already. I thought they were fun and bright. Their set *was* short though- that proved to be par for the course until the end.

Cobra Superstar: Daft name, cool music, hyper singer. A white hip hop boy on caffiene as a singer, a sexy but cool female keytarist, a guitarist with a Borat 'tash, a cute baby faced drummer, and a good bassist. It was during their set that it started to POUR. Like only it could in South Florida. My friend took shelter and I waited it out- my hair would dry before long and bounce back. I liked them a lot.

Recieving End of Sirens: I couldn't get into them, neither of us actually. I just....*shrugs* I didn't feel them. One of the singers would have done well in a different band since his voice was strong, but the music did nothing for me.

Head Automatica: They sort of reminded me of a cross pollination of Interpol, The Strokes and The Vines with a lead singer who sounded like he belonged in My Chemical Romance. He looked like a little naughty pocket sized elf. But they were okay. But we have the Strokes still, so I'll stick with them.

30 Seconds to Mars: as_i_am, I have finally lost my 30STM virginity. :) I have to tell ya, I was pretty damn impressed with the band, no lie. Jared's voice is much stronger than I expected it to be, and he was far more good looking up close than I had seen in pictures, too. He had fake blood smeared on both side of his face in three lines and his hair was red at the ends and mostly borwn all over. It worked for him big time. I couldn't see Tomo's face that well, but what I saw I was seriously liking. That is a tasty man, there. They played most of 'A Beautiful Lie' *shameless music plug* and the first cd. And does that boy have a moiuth on *him*. I love it. Calling the people in the balcony area VIP's. "Bunch of drunk MF's up there," he said. I was too amused. He even stopped the show one time and said,"People.....calm the *fuck* down. We're all here to have fun. Now just chill." Or something to that effect. I know I sound a wee fangirrly now, so I'll just hush it. :) Suffice it to truly say that I was glad to see them. And would not mind seeing them again if I could.

I would have put RKK right before them though. I mean they got a good reception, but they were one of the stronger bands on the bill. That's my only gripe. I still enjoyed myself.

Okay, enough of that. :) Work has been interesting this week. I have found out that the new Music Lead is the former ETML's protegee. Yup- the 18 year old complainer. She got the job. I know, I don't get it either. It's like, 'Who do I have to fuck to get ahead?' Geez. I was really hot about it Tuesday but I have calmed a bit....especially since she has been slowly losing it ever since Wednesday over the new sale going up. Non stop complaining, okay? NON FREAKING STOP. I am actually sick of it right about now. But I have been helping out the last few days off and on- I went in tonight and pulled the DVD's into (mostly) order. In three hours I had most of that part done.

I ain't gonna say nothing...but you all must know I am none too thrilled by the turn of events. The only thing that got me over the hump this week was going out with some co-workers after work on Wednesday and having a few beers. I think it broke some of my gloom. That and the fact that this stupid period of mine started at last- the hormones in my body must be seriously off kilter. I have been better, let's say that.

Anyways, enoug on that. I am ff to bed. Ciao, kiddies. :)

music, work, 30 seconds to mars, concerts, depression

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