The aftermath of Thanksgiving.

Nov 27, 2005 23:57

I ate....WAY too much. But liked it. So I don't feel like a pig. But it was all good and dandy and utterly caloric. The day after was the family get-together which ate up the entire morning and part of the afternoon, so no Wal-Mart binge shopping for and the girls this year. Maybe just as well- I need new manga to read.

I had acrappy travel day two days in a row. First off, my aunt (the drama one) that Mom and I was travelling with pitched a fit yesterday over a fucking *sweater* and then started rushing people to get ready to go. I was like, "The *hell*?" She was way out of line. But she is known for that- she was all up in arms the night before when my brother, who runs our family investment club, suggested that we institute penalty charges after six months on persons who are not paid up. Since we do it in my other club, it doesn't faze me. But she got all up in arms because she didn't want it to go 'secular', as she called it, and then when some people tried to debate her on it, she was all like 'Well count me out.' (For the record, I was thinking, 'Show her the way, folks.') So that attitude just rolled into the next day. Then on the way there we get caught in mad traffic for two hours and don't to ATL till well after 10. I slept poorly last night, was up at least three times and got up sneezing, coughing and stuffed up.

Yay for head colds.

Today was even *worse*. I got to the airport, and couldn't find my licence. I opened everything and still couldn't find it. So I had to go inside go through two security scans and walk what seemed like a mile to the terminal, pissed off, miserable, sick, cheesed at Mom for making it seem like I enjoy misplacing things and just tired from two days of family-related drama.

Flight home was fine, slightly bumpy but livable. We had lunch/dinner before coming home and started to unpack one bag when I took out my boarding pass ....and found wedged inside my license. After I had already ordered a new one. Whoops. Better safe than sorry, I suppose, but now I have to cancel the new one tomorrow. Better that than nothing.

I won't be finishing NaNoWriMo again this year. Congrats go out to badd_bunny on completing it for a second year, and to others who also did the same.

I am still quite feverish and flu-ey, and plan to take as much Ny-quil as I can possibly take and crash into bed. All those early nights in the country have wrecked my system to the heavens. I want to stay up and watch 'The Chronicles of Riddick' because it looks pretty cool (and it has Karl Urban in a long sexy mohawk), but I will probably nod off watching it.

Sorry about tonight, katie_kat007, but I was feeling mega crappy and not up writing anything. I'll try and be in better spirits tomorrow.

drama, travel, movies, illness, actors, family

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