Apr 16, 2007 00:18
So today was another good day. Talked to Matt several times so that was nice, Lilly won't talk to him, she is mad at him for leaving again. I told him not to take it personal, it just the way kids deal with separations. But he had me put him on speaker and he asked her not to be mad at him, and it was just for a short while. She at least told him that she loved and missed him. It was cute, and I know that made his day. He said that its cold and rainy there. That too bad bc it was hot here. Lilly and I made an unannouced visit to JaJuan's house, I don't have her number bc of the whole phone thing. But she was happy we stopped by. Plus Lilly and Ahrian played together for a while. Its so funny to watch 3 yr olds argue. There is so much attitude in little girls that age. For the most part they get along. After a few hours we came home watched a movie and played. She fell asleep on me, I love it when she does that. I know not much longer and she will be too big for to carry. I cherish every little time I get to hold her. Found another freakin roach today, still trippin out about that. Matt just laughs and tells me we're gonna get them bc of living in TX. Nope thats BS we've lived all this time and have never had them. I know I'm going to have to save up enough money for an exterminator. I can only imagine how much that is going to be, plus I've started receiving some of the medical bills from last month's three trips and one ems ride to the hospitol. That is going to put a big dent in our budget. Oh well thats life. Talked to mom today and she said that Riley rode her bike, ALONE again, to her house. I know that its just a very short distance, but her mother obviously didn't learn anything from the last time. While Matt was in Iraq Riley was almost abducted from a short bike ride to my mom's house. Mom said Riley was really quiet and wouldn't really talk. I gues she was made to go to some Father/Daughter banquet with her step-dad. Matt was never told about it, and this is the third one she's had. Too bad her step-dad's,Ray, own three girls won't have anything to do with him.(I know his ex and three girls very well). Thats another Novel though, he must think he can step in and take Matt's place. Then Riley told my mom that she was up until 2 a.m. because her mother wanted to play poker. All I have to say is "who's the bad parent now." I just have to keep believing that Riley knows we love her, and she will know the truth one day, poor baby. I'm going to visit my sister in a few days, so I probably won't be able to post, I'm sure I will have a ton of new post to read on TAW. That site has been such a blessing for me, the girls there are so wonderful. Talk about some great support. I have a lot of prayers to say now, so good-night.