I would like to give you all appropriate apologies for the past few entries. Agreed, I always post on a whim and am compelled to retract myself at a later time.
I am now functioning normally and have recovered from BitchAssPussyareillicuenza StressedOutSpreadThinlybuckdfoofic Syndrome. It was an angsty nightmare, an unfortunate series of events for myself and the people I communicated with, and that includes all y'all bitches.
I love you all, in that uncomfortable, hugging too long, gyrating too roughly at a prepubescent school dance, caressing your cheek to freakishly, won't stop IM-ing you kind of mutual friend-lovin' way.
In other, more exciting, anthropological news. Jane Goodall is coming to speak at USC on Monday. Two of you out there are ready to bite off my perky nipples in rageful jealousy. Hold back, they can get hairy.
My sister is on homecoming court tonight. She was prom court last year. She can do the wobble. She is leagues cooler and socially acceptable than my self-consciously Tiger Okinatsu ass.
You realize an entry is pointless when your fingers are on the home keys and you search for something, anything to type down.
That being said. I wanna be sexed.
Good day.