Jan 18, 2004 21:39
Well today I went to church with my Jamie, first time I have been to church since I was eight. I enjoyed the service. Afterwards I went and met his entire family. His niece and nephew are little dolls. I still can't wait to get to meet his daughter. I have seen pictures of her and she is a living doll too. Jamie is one of five kids, all boys. Him and his younger brother look alot alike, but I have to say that no matter how much they look alike my Jamie is the best looking of them all. It was a great day. I really enjoyed myself. I am hoping to be able to make it to church with him every Sunday but it's all the way in Bridgeport so I am not sure I will be able too. I just happened to have this Sunday off, very rare occasion that, that happens. Maybe I should just tell my boss I can't work Sundays anymore, hell why not everyone that I work with on second shift has certain days of the week they refuse to work. Yeah I think that is what I am going to do. Ok I have to go on to a different subject now, this one is the part of my life that is still in need of change. Anyway yesterday my oldest son called his so called father, to see if his dad would take him for the day. His father didn't answer the phone so my son left a voice mail, asking his dad to return his call, guess what he didn't. You know what I need to just revoke his visitation, it's not like he sees them anyway so what difference would it really make? I really hate the fact that I have to hear my son ask every weekend can I call my dad and see if he's coming to get me, knowing that if I let him call he is just gonna be let down. My kids deserve better than what they are getting from their father. I am just glad that they have the rest of his family to fill the void he is leaving. Hell my kids have stayed with his mother and his brothers, but he can't take his own kids, that's pathetic. I hope he is happy without his kids in his life because I know they sure aren't without him in theirs. I hate myself everyday for bringing my boys into this world with a dead beat father. I never in a million years thought that Marty was the type to choose a piece of ass over his own kids, but I guess that million years is up cause that's what he has done. That CUNT has taken my children's father away from them. You know what? At church today I prayed to God to help me with this situation. Something has to happen soon, he either needs to just say I am not going to see my kids anymore and stop filling their heads with false promises or he needs to realize that his kids are more important than a piece of ass. He has seen his boys two times since the 19th of November and here it is just two hours away from being the 19th of January. Alright I am getting very upset now and I am not going to end my day on a bad note so....I Love Jamie. There that ends it on a good note. Alright talk later. Bye!