
Apr 25, 2010 21:28

Finished the paper.

Also had a long chat with my dad earlier today about why I think the more pretentious you are, the more likely you are to be a moronic twat. The higher you claim your intelligence is, the more likely you're either spouting bullshit or showing off how lacking you may be in the common sense department. It's not that difficult of a concept, people. Even I can navigate a Smith building to find my professor's office without asking.

Schedule for the rest of the finals period:

Tuesday, 4/27:
Middlemarch: Oral report. Topic? The history of the Victorian feminist movement. As in, history. As in, sparkly laws that gave women the right to keep their property, get educated, and generally be treated as something other than their husband's third arm. (Fuck you, feminazis in the class. You can keep your sparkly "we can only analyze this via 1970's spectacles" and misandry. History is fucking badass.)

Friday, 4/30:
Old English: Meeting with professor. Translation of 47 to 60 lines must be complete by then. Do Beowulf, even if everyone else wants to do it. Beowulf is also fucking badass.
SSFFS: Senior banquet, even if we're not calling it that. I have some Final Fantasy porn to give to Danielle. Although looking at it, there's like, one scene of porn, so now you know why I'm giving it to you maybe it's just the thought of it that will remind you of me.

Some vague haze in the general vicinity of next week
Arthurian Legends: Final exam. Self-scheduled. Might help to actually read half the fucking stories you decided not to read in lieu of trying not to die in your seminar. Two hours long on the first day of testing.
Aliens: 10-page paper on sheer crack. Vague historical research and research into natural history and biology necessary but not overly required for the constant quoting. Need to figure out how to fill up ten pages with 1.5x text all about BS theoretical alien history.
Polishing and submitting: The other two papers. And by "polishing and submitting," I mean "vaguely proofreading and submitting as-is." Like I usually do.

Anyone who would like to pester me about when I'll have time to do anything can refer to the lulzy drama war in my post the other day. *jazz hands*

In the meantime, even though I should be busy, I'm spending the rest of the day writing fanfiction. And by that, I mean viewing porn.

Meanwhile, I'm also planning on throwing my computer out the window. Last OS, it had problems with the fact that it was slowing down. This OS, it randomly freezes, which forces me to shut down (as in, force my computer to shut down) and restart because I can't even execute any commands. There doesn't seem to be any reason for it, either, so I'm guessing it's something that has to do with the fact that Eureka is a slut.


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