Apr 20, 2010 12:51
On the good side, I got the extension and now have the weekend to write my paper and prepare the oral presentation. Moreover, I got that bit about the $20 resolved.
On the bad side, I:
1. Only wrote three pages of a sixteen-page paper so far because only this morning did I fully develop my thesis.
2. Stayed up until three in the morning trying to get to three full pages.
3. Didn't have my Old English homework done as a result.
4. Spent the entirety of Old English watching the clock and passing twice because he kept asking me to translate a line when I didn't have the translation.
5. Had a mental breakdown in the middle of class and essentially scribbled all over my notes a rather nice poem. It involved rats with the plague eating my brain.
- 5a. And I do mean "scribbled."
6. Proceeded to walk to Chapin flanked for the only time ever by a couple of friends. I told one of them to go fuck herself.
7. Also told several fellow Smithies I don't know to go fuck themselves. (In my defense, if you walk and text at the same time, I think you're a fucktard who needs to have horrendous things happen to that cell phone of yours involving a car, a flamethrower, and a dog with the runs, even if I'm in a good mood.)
8. Realized this fucking paper essentially screws over my carefully designed timeline, mostly because it won't get going and because I can't work on it because I technically have to be in class half the day. (I didn't really take into consideration how disruptive that would be to my schedule. Or, for that matter, how many fucking assignments every other professor would try to give me in the meantime.) Or because I keep falling asleep due to trying to work on it through ungodly hours, coupled with the fact that I have to wake up in the morning for class.
9. I spent $6 of that $20 last night doing my laundry. Not because I had to do it in two loads. Because I had to send my clothes through three dry cycles, and some of them are still not dry. A huge portion of my room is now being taken up by a stepladder because I don't have anything else to hang the fucking clothes on so they might dry.
I'm worse today than yesterday, in other words.
And I'm going to sleep because I have to actually be awake at 3 PM to attend my seminar. Luckily, it's a row of oral presentations, but this means I'll be spending two hours not doing this damn paper again because I suspect he'd be expecting me to pay attention.
real life,