So, uh, I did this:
★POKéMON FRIENDING MEME★ Because it's shiny and new and full of hilarity. I mean, seriously, the GIFs, man. The GIFs.
But in any case, I'd like to say hi to all my new and awesome friends, and I hope that we'll have this epic relationship sometime in the near future full of fangasming and whatnot.
I'd also like to say that I'm really not as emo as I've been in the past few days. To explain what's going on, a snippet of conversation from dinner:
Me: "It's not even really anyone's fault. It's just that my luck has been pretty crappy lately. I've got bad karma or something for some reason, I think."
Becca, paraphrased: "It's probably not karma. The universe just needs someone to beat up."
Me, plottingly: "So, I guess I'll have to get into a knifefight with the universe."
Becca: "What would happen if the universe lost a knifefight?"
Me: "Well, then, I guess I'll be God or something!"
So, I've decided to have a knifefight with the general cosmos and various deities controlling it. Only I thereafter forgot about it because, um, I had homework.
In any case, don't worry. I'll be less angsty soon. In the meantime, tell me things that you fangasm over! Are you all fanartists, ficcers, RPers, or just general otaku? I keep meaning to ask in your threads, but then I get distracted by how awesome you lot are.
Furthermore, feel free to ask me anything or just generally chat it up here.
And to the old kids (who I will always adore), go drop by the friends meme! The people there are cool!