To quote my Twitter: Is it bad that I'm more excited about a fictional character's birthday than the fact that it's New Year's Eve? On the other hand, for the past few years, I had a pretty boring New Year's, and at least aforementioned birthday is celebrating yet another year of lulz.
With that being said, I'm going to steal another one of my quotes, this time from my board:
Happy birthday, Bill! Have a traumatic experience! :D
1. The first version of AEM is now listed as complete.
Anima Ex Machina: Redux, meanwhile, is now up with the prologue, the first chapter, and a comment about how my grammar is better from someone who can't capitalize the pronoun I. (...'Kay?)
2. Guess what's now out? AEM Redux, chapter five, now viewable at bulletin boards
near you!
3. Bill
swears he has a reason for constantly forgetting to update his journal until now. Really. (Again, yes, all spelling errors are intentional on my end, but you're free to tell Bill that he can't write worth crap. Because he can't.)
4. Guess what's finally getting updated?
The website! And it has the same redux chapters as FFNet!
And it just occurred to me that this celebration is pretty much the same as the last one.
Inspiration art! (No, it's not my art. I wish I could draw like that. But in any case, I'm using it as a rough model for what I'd like Lanette -- who is getting a bigger and kickassier part this time around -- to look like. The end result will not be the same as that drawing; it's just a springboard for ideas. But it does kinda make me squee because it's a badass redhead. And it's pretty.)