Dreamscape-1.(n) (v-dreamscaping/ dreamscape design) is a form a lucid dreaming, which occurs in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex which is one of the few areas deactivated during REM sleep, and where working memory occurs. Once this area is activated and the recognition of dreaming occurs the dreamer must be cautious to let the dream delusions continue, but be conscious enough to recognize them. This process might be seen as the balance between reason and emotion. While maintaining this balance the amygdala and parahippocampal cortex might be less intensely activated. To continue the intensity of the dream hallucinations it is expected the pons and the parieto-occipital junction cortex stay active.
2.(n) what one doodles daringly by dawn; what must manifest physically through dream deprivation/ amnesia.
Dreamscape series No. 4 or "whatveidone"
Dreamscape series No. 6/ subseries MiamiBassNites Post-Postcards no. 1